Afternoon. Yesterday I had some strong opinions concerning what - TopicsExpress


Afternoon. Yesterday I had some strong opinions concerning what people are being told they should do when it comes to eat this, not that and I posted those opinions. It seems to have sparked some controversy about what some folks think I should be doing on this page. First, I want to explain very carefully, again, that I am not an expert, a medical professional, nutritionist, or certified anything. I do not sell a product, plan or have a book. I also do not promote any type of plan, food product or supplement. I will however, yell it from the rooftop, that I will always promote intentional physical activity (as in planned exercise....not mowing the lawn or house work), AND coupling that with educating yourself about food, and how your body responds to it. There are some who are asking why I wont tell you how to eat. Is that a serious question? If it is, it absolutely terrifies me knowing that someone would believe that Im so arrogant that I could tell anyone how to eat, lose weight, be happy and healthy. I dont know if I should laugh with my own ignorance or innocence and tell you that I am the LAST person that anyone would ever want to pattern their life after. Im a total hot mess. But instead of being a big huge hot mess, as dumb as it may sound, I woke up one day and did something different. It started as simple as that. In fact, I even go into it on this page. All the way down to the very month and year it happened in. Until this new adventure Im on, I worked in the world of construction. Have you ever bought a brand new house? As in gone and picked out your empty lot in a new subdivision development, and purchased the lot and the house plan. If you havent, I can quickly explain it. You go find new subdivisions and you drive through them. You can stand on the street and picture your new house that you will design from the ground up. Then you will purchase the lot/house plan of your choice and you get yourself a big set of blueprints and a General Contractor (GC). Your GC will then hire/subcontract plumbers, electricians, carpenters, brick and mortar layers, drywall mud and tapers. The whole time, you are calling the shots. You are tellin your GC what you want and where you want it to go. You see the foundation get poured. Its a big job. Rebar has to go into the ground and mark the areas. If there is a basement, the ground is dug out even further. Pipes are buried and more earth is thrown out to make more space. While you have gotten to know your GC pretty well by now, he/she is busy working away and just laying all the ground work. All the stuff you dont see. The wiring and the water pipes. Floor joists and single gang outlets are put in place. While all of this is happening, you are now meeting with your designer. You are picking out counter tops and brand new bath fixtures that match the entry way switch covers. You are choosing your wall colors and your carpets and hardwoods. The next thing you know, its been several months and you are picking out your new mailbox. Youve changed your address and have packed everything you own in your old house. You get rid of junk and take what you want into that brand new house. You settle in. Its all brand new, but its exciting each morning you wake up in that new house, and youre like, oh yes....Im still new here, but I like it. My friends, before you can plan the family Christmas party in the Great Room, you have to buy the lot and break ground. You can go from one street to the next, state to state, country to country and never stand in a space that works for you. Not until you dig in your heels and start the hard work. I know its a major cheese mess of an analogy, but I dont understand how so many folks can be angry at someone who worked hard. Thats all I did. I still sit next to my husband at night and research food. I still look up benefits and programs and plans. Recipes and swaps for me. I spent the long LONG months of writing things down, everything from what I ate, when I ate it, how I felt, what it did, and I would record this. Every day!! And then I would go back and find patterns. Ones that seemed to benefit me, and ones that needed looked at again. I simply cannot do that for you. And if you think I can, or if that is expected, then as awful as it sounds, Im gonna be the biggest disappointment that youll ever encounter. The only purpose behind this page is to challenge you to do something different. Meaning, if you have tried to eat a certain way for an extended period of time (more than 6 months) and havent had success, then revisit it. If you are gaining and losing the same 20 lbs, there is a reason. Do the work and figure it out. If you are constantly miserable and the scale still doesnt move, something is wrong. Which is more difficult to do.....finally buckling down and doing the work it takes to lose weight, or being overweight and unhappy. Which one will you regret in 12 months? Will you be angry at yourself for figuring out you and food and finding what your body needs in 12 months, even if progress is slow?!?!? Or will you regret STILL being in that unhappy and overweight place still wondering what to do? This isnt easy. Im not going to be that person who has something to gain by telling you its not hard. Its the hardest thing Ive ever had to do!!! And dude, Ive been through some BULL CRAP in my life. I remember trying to play this victim to my old Command Master Chief one day. I was giving him all the reasons why I should be allowed to feel sorry for myself and play the victim. And ya know what, you bet your butt I could play the victim Easily. But when I was finished crying and boo hooing to him, he rolled his eyes and said, are you done crying yet? dont complain to me about wanting a better life while all you do is sit there picturing it instead of getting up and making it happen. Lame, I know. But it worked. Im not a victim. I have the privilege to educate myself about food and find what works. I say ALL of that to tell you this....I didnt have an answer handed to me. I really really dont have one. But I really do believe that ANYONE, absolutely anyone is capable of changing their life. And the crappiest part....the first couple months, theyre the hardest. Not because youre not eating like you want too, but because you now have to deal with ALL kinds of stuff. And this time, you dont have food to run too. While I cant give you answers, for those of you who still want it....Ill give you all the encouragement I can. Because when it comes to this....I am completely arrogant. And I would go up against absolutely anyone who would have the guts to tell me that you cant beat this.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Jul 2014 17:31:39 +0000

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