Alison youre Barrys guardian angel... Powerful. From Barry: - TopicsExpress


Alison youre Barrys guardian angel... Powerful. From Barry: Good evening everybody !!!! Are you with me!!! It was just about 6 1/2 months ago feeling depressed hopeless helpless and confused not knowing what to do with my life!!! I just couldnt find a way out of this struggle fighting for my life each and every day. Living the life 440 pounds plus these times Were definitely a horror... My quality-of-life just wasnt there.. Finally I found Isa on July 29, 2013 at a whopping 420 pounds.. Thanks to a person named Alison friended me on Facebook read a post that I made on The biggest loser site pleading the directors of that show for help!!!! Little did I know Alison was my guardian angel.. I accepted her friend request .. I must say I was very much impressed by everything at that point of what I heard about the program... This has drastically change my life in many ways.. I now have my life back with endless possibilities for the future.. I have to admit there where scary days my mind started to Going different in directions for The moment. But I just kept on telling myself be strong. Its all about how bad you want something in life. Well the choice is yours give up give in or give it your all and thats what I did.!!!! I have released 142 plus lb and still going. Next Time I will be going on the scale would be April 1 ... Keeping my head up high to make it to San Diego and August.... A very big thanks to everybody who where there for me.!!!!!!! Regards Barry from Boca Raton Florida. Never give up your worth it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 16:22:00 +0000

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