All anyone ever wants is to be happy. This is void of any - TopicsExpress


All anyone ever wants is to be happy. This is void of any political boundaries, this is void of any religious undertone. Im not preaching, and Im not asking that this gets shared to the masses. I think it takes a real lot for people to come to terms with that fact. No one wants to hurt, but everyone does. There comes a point in everyones journey that this becomes easy to see. Stop holding grudges, it doesnt change anything that has happened in the past. Stop trying to make yourself feel better by putting someone else to shame. I think we have all bullied, I think we have all been bullied. Ive made fun of people before, people that have harder lives than I do, people that wouldnt even think of saying the same thing about me. It wasnt because I want them to hurt, its because I wanted to be the cool kid, I wanted people to think Im funny, and dont actually care. The only reason I did that was because I was not happy. If you think that you have never hurt anyone before, then you really need to sit down and think. I dont care where you are, I dont care what your standpoint is on anything, you need to be happy. But more importantly, you have to understand that everyone else wants to be happy too. Bad things happen, people get hurt. Scars dont heal, and friendships wither and die. We are fortunate enough to have the ability to love, but with that comes responsibility of understanding. For anyone that I have ever hurt in my years that I have been fortunate enough to share with all of you, I sincerely apologize. If you have something to say to someone, say it, because you dont know how much of an impact it will have. No one is alone, no one wants you to hurt, and no one wants to be hurt back. Dont ask questions, just care enough to know that whatever someone has done has a reason behind it. You might not agree with it, you might be disgusted by it, but it exists. Love yourself and learn to love the opportunity we have. Respect the fact that regret exists, but dont regret the fact that mistakes exist.
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 16:18:38 +0000

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