All the answers and know-how already lie within YOU and they will - TopicsExpress


All the answers and know-how already lie within YOU and they will come to YOU through your own inner BEINGness as you get quiet enough to FEEL them. Give yourself a chance to hear your own inner voice that is guiding you every step of the way through your journey on earth. BE still, BE calm, BE within. Wisdom is found within the heart and stillness of our being, beyond the level of ego/mind. We each have a unique journey to travel in life, so our inner truth is bound to alter for each personal journey of life. Let ourselves be fluid in life as water, understanding that as we continue to grow so do our views, beliefs and reality. Your mind has been very loud and your Higher self is always gentle, soft and loving. You may miss its guidance if you do not create a space through your inner Beingness. How do we know if it is the voice of ego or if it is the voice of Higher Self? Ego is judging, fearful, compares, competes, critical, limited and constricts; Higher Self is non-judgmental, accepting, loving, supportive of growth, compassionate, unlimited, expansive, freeing. Divine love and gratitude dear beautiful friends. I love you and we are ONE. ~ Abigail LoveLight
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 15:16:40 +0000

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