All through the weekend I had tried getting this story off my - TopicsExpress


All through the weekend I had tried getting this story off my heart, but yet the more I tried dismissing it off the more it kept glued, and I wondered how on earth could he make such suggestions??? On the other hand could it be true? Could he be serious? It was a Professor of Philosophy University of Lagos (name withheld ) Who has decided to start a new school of thought in respect of National development. He was on a radio talk show early evening Friday 26th Of July 2013, Radio Continental 102.3Fm Kubanji Direct ,to be precise. I was driving and as such couldn’t call onto the program to contribute but never theless other callers who called in actually spoke my mind coincidentally. The program centered on witchcraft and witchcraftcy as the presenter chose to call it.. The BBC news arm had earlier on in the week showed a documentary about a certain Pastor in Akwa Ibom state who called to have successfully exorcised children of witchcraft spirits.. In the process of this acct of exorcism the pastor had hurt and even killed some children. The body marks and wounds he inflicted on the children was an eye sore, because I watched the documentary personally which actually got me more interested in the radio talk show. I really didn’t expect much from the Professor he being a master in philosophy, where many atheist have derived their foundation of self belief and logical deductive reasoning from to back up their fallacious belief of the non-existence of God. The learned Prof started by narrating a certain king in England who promulgated a law that sentenced witches to be burnt alive. During his reign as King, witches dominated England as at that time and caused great evil in the land, which forced the king to make the decree. It was not soon after that they found out that the kings daughter was a witch, the kings queen was also a witch and the kings mother was a witch. So what could the king do? He was in a fix. He then had to review and amend the decree. I In reviewing the decree, he called all the witches and made them make an oath and swear that rather than using their powers to hurt people and cause evil, they should use their powers to do “good” and help the people.. hmmm I said as I drove my car in the busy lagos road. As if that wasn’t enough he then claimed that it was that oath of allegiance which the witches swore to that gave rise to the “INDUSTIRAL REVOLUTION”. I almost slammed my brakes abruptly on 3rd mainland bridge. Whaaaat!!!! He continued by saying that the witches used their powers to bring about industrialization and development which retorted to the British and other colonialist to send men like mongo park on expedition and exploration in other to find raw materials. The witches must have known that Africa existed and this in trun gave rise to slave trade which later led to colonialism and independence of nations, and that the slaves descendants in other developed nations are enjoying the fruits eventhough they still have bitterness . He was emphatically serious about the fact that Nigeria can also use the assistance of witches for national development rather than exorcise the spirits like the pastor in Akwa Ibom did. His answer is that the spirits he exorcised is a waste because they will still go and inhabit someone else and the witchcraftcy will continue and if it were a white lady or man, then they will use it for higher intelligent perception. He claimed that no one should deceive us, that “ all inventors “ be it old or present are all witches or do have a gift of witchcraft or two in them, that is why products such as mobile phones, remote control gadgets, aeroplanes and space ships, motor vehicles etc, cannot be produced or invented with mere human intelligent standards. And that Africa will remain backwards as long as we neglect this supernatural powers which have helped the white man to develop his environment. He was so certain that the secrets of the developed nations such as Europe America asia etc is not with ordinary human intelligence but with the unification of human and supernatural intelligence. Most people who called in to contribute to the program remained resolute that witchcraft is an evil spirit and as such there is no way evil spirits can do good no matter the oath of allegiance sworn by the then witches of England. He retorted by claiming that evil is a definition in individual minds based on perception, in other words, to some people what is evil can be seen as good to others. He used earthquake as example, that when it occurs, hundreds of people will die, and to the families of the dead victim, it is evil, but to the government and those alive, it has helped to discover unknown natural resources buried in the earth which normally might never have been discovered. .Phew!!! He continued by saying that as long as Africa keeps rejecting the importance of these supernatural powers, and see them as evil, they will always show as evil. He said the witches in Africa are evil and wicked only because people choose to see them as such, but the same witch uses her powers to protect her children and husband. And that the whites are coming to Africa right now to consult our herbalists and take them abroad for them to attend Halloweens He said a lot which I cant actually recall now completely but what caught my fancy the most is that he said there is no president in the world that those not have a witch or wizard he or she consults, that the white man does not hide his own that’s why they celebrate witchcraft through “Halloween “ festivals and other related festivals. But because Africa be it by tradition or religion, especially the Christian religion, hates witches and this make the presidents and governors become very secretive about it. How on earth can an individual produce or manufacture mobile phones, helicopters cars and other superfluous items with ordinary human intelligence? And yet we in Africa are one of the highest users of these items and yet we fight the powers that assist the inventors and the producers. The entertainment industry wasn’t left out either. My questions are: 1. Do witches have spirits indeed? 2. If they do, what is the source of the spirits 3. If we accept that the source is the devil and it is evil, can they ever do good at all? 4. If they can do goodness evnthough they are evil, will the goodness not be at a great price and sacrificial demands from the people who benefit from the goodness, even unto shedding of their blood 5. Would the witches not have legal and spiritual legitimacy to do whatsoever they like 6. If so despite the advancement in science and technology coupled with industrialization and infrastructural development will it not come as “blessings with added sorrows?” What evils bedevils the advanced nation? Gayism, high rate of divorce, multiple natural disaster etc.. I am not saying that witches caused them ooo.. Well I strongly believe in God, one cannot throw away the Biblical truths and facts.. Questions to also ask are: 1. Where did Joseph get the “higher supernatural intelligence” to preserve grains and feed the whole world for 14 years through Egypt? At a time when science was not so advanced as it is today? Where did he get that higher perception to combine the jobs of economic minister, minister of the interior,minister of external affairs, minister of agriculture, minister of political affairs, etc? and it ended weeping and hunger. 2. Where did Daniel get the wisdom with an excellent spirit to reign as special adviser to the king on “all” matters, by outliving 3 kings and 3 governments namely; Nebuchadnezzar, Belshazzar and Dairus, as against the wizards, astrologers and soothsayers of his time.. He was not only able to interpret dreams, but could see into the dreams which other men dreamt 3. Where did moses get the supernatural powers against the wizards and magicians of Egypt , though they were able to fabricate his miracles upto changing rods into snakes and turning blood into water but when it got to changing the sand to lice they dared not and said to Pharaoh; “ this is the finger of God” 4. What of Elijah who fell fire as against the audacity of the prophets of baal??? Many many more which I could make mention of.. It is illusionary for someone to attribute the glory of the the industrial revolution to witches and wizards as if God never gave men and women wisdom and ability and supernatural intelligence. Would it be right to say the Bill Gates (Microsoft), Steve Jobs ( creator of IPADs apple) and other great men of today such as Ted Turner (CNN networks/Cartoon Networks), Charles Branson (Virgin air), Dangote Adenuga etc, are mostly wizards? Guess the originators of FaceBook, Twitter, WhatsUp, WeChat, etc are all wizards of some sort??? All sorts of teachings are just flying allover, one must be careful especially with our children…Hmmmm
Posted on: Tue, 30 Jul 2013 00:09:01 +0000

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