Alright, Im in this 15 things game thanks to Gabriel Jones.. So - TopicsExpress


Alright, Im in this 15 things game thanks to Gabriel Jones.. So Leggo! 1. I dont feel confident or even sociable unless Im wearing a loud/colorful outfit. 2. I REFUSE to wear or sleep in anything that has cotton quills on it. 3. If you think Im shy, Im just not comfortable enough with you to share my very odd sense of humor. Sorry? 4. I LOVE learning new things so when I find a new obsession Im constantly Google-ing or researching to find out as much as I can about it. 5. My inner 15 year old actually likes Taylor Swift. Dont judge me. Sometimes boys just suck. 6. Ok this one is sad, the last concert I went to was when I was 13 when I saw 702 in Dayton. 7. (Also sad) Ive never been to a beach. 8. I love cake. (see profile pic) 9. My feet are constantly cold, but I dont like wearing socks. An enigma in itself (the chicken and the egg? Anyone?) 10. I have an irrational anxiety about having the happy birthday song sang to me in a restauraunt by the wait staff. The clapping. DEAR GOD THE CLAPPING!! 11. If I could compare myself to an animal, I would be a zebra. Their coat is SUPPOSED to help them blend in but they end up standing out way more. I live for the awkwardness. 12. At 26, I STILL want an Easy bake oven. 13. I cant do math in my head to save my life. Seriously. Held at gunpoint and asked to do long division, I would die. 14. I snort when I laugh really hard. 15. Im excited to see what kind of people my kids will turn out to be with the weird mom they have. Good luck kiddos.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 04:37:49 +0000

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