Although many world religions have some sort of doctrine of - TopicsExpress


Although many world religions have some sort of doctrine of repentance, it is Christianity, the only true faith, that demands repentance. Although many people appear to think otherwise, repentance is neither a suggestion nor an option. It is mandated by the Lord Almighty. Therefore, we should always be ready to repent and quick to do so, for there is nothing holy or pietistic about casually waiting to repent. When we sin against God and man, we should be the first one to cast the stone against ourselves. We should find ourselves apologizing to our spouses, friends, and co-workers before they even have a chance to charge us with an offense. In that sense, we should be the greatest critics of ourselves, repenting of our sins not only to those whom we have offended but to all who knew of the offense. In doing so, we will not give our adversary any advantage to divide the body of Christ, for we are not ignorant of his devices (2 Cor. 2:11). Can we possibly imagine what might happen if we took God’s command to repent seriously? All of our works are seen by the watching world, and even when our light does not shine so brightly before men and when our works do not cause men to glorify God as they should, in our repentance and forgiveness of one another let us demonstrate to the world that we are followers of Christ by our love. Burk Parsons
Posted on: Sun, 18 May 2014 00:01:12 +0000

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