Amazing isnt it? SMH.....The majority of colleges have simply - TopicsExpress


Amazing isnt it? SMH.....The majority of colleges have simply become a money making, propaganda spewing, mindless liberal progressive sheep factory. The typical student attends with the best intentions, their minds exploding from being told from birth that a college education is an absolute must for success and a happy lot in life. Why? Because their parents had the same message repeating throughout their own young lives to nauseam. Technically, I do not fault the message or the pursuit of higher learning/education, but, ONCE MORE you can trace its origin to two seemingly separate entities, yet they are one and the same. Yes, you guessed it, liberals and government, you see since the end of WWII, they have been working in concert to both control the mindsets of the young and the purse strings of the parents/American taxpayer. It is actually a quite clever and well thought out scheme, in which they get to produce obedient and unquestioning good little liberal voters (sheep/lemmings/zombies) WHILE enriching themselves and padding their retirement accounts. I mean have you noticed all the radio/TV ads (along with the refinancing/forgiving mortgage) that are constantly droning 24/7 how to get your student loans forgiven? Do you UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS SIMPLY A BOONDOGGLE? The OVERPAID educators (the true source of why higher education costs are in the stratosphere) in the upper echelons of most colleges and universities have simply been following the leads of those that were at the top of the same pyramid scheme when they first entered into the education field. Dont believe me? Check into how much a so-called education costs nowadays, compared to just 30 years ago. The cost is EVEN outstripping inflation AND HEALTHCARE! (2009 link to validate, I hate having to prove things because I DO NOT LIE nor do I post without actually KNOWING what I am talking about) You see, a prospective student (not all but most) needs money in order to attain “the dream of a piece of paper,” so, they apply for student loans, which the “government” is only too happy to oblige. Said student (usually along with parents) sign a CONTRACT agreeing to the terms to pay back loan(s). Said student graduates (usually in some USELESS unemployable discipline) with a degree in “Tibetan Philosophy” (my apologies to Buddhists practicing Buddhism, my intent is to show the uselessness to those American students seeking a viable career that justifies the time and costs associated with that pursuit) THEN the “dreaded and abhorrent” loan payments start, which are usually too costly for said students (and most parents nowadays) to pay back in good faith because they could not find adequate employment in “Tibetan Philosophy.” So they end up, most of the time, working in a job that has “ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT THEIR PIECE OF PAPER (degree) says, which, usually does not pay enough to pay back said loans, (OR EVEN MOVE OUT OF THEIR PARENTS HOUSE) or they are back at the minimum wage jobs they worked before college. Now (IMHO) I personally believe this is where the true “genius” comes to fruition in this scheme, you see I believe (I do not know 100% but I’m investigating, be patient) that the ads that I spoke of before (forgive loans yada yada yada) are actually “FRONT COMPANIES” for those that have realized there is MONEY TO BE MADE on the backs and in the misery of said students/parents/American taxpayer. Whom do you ask is running these companies? Well the very same government employees (mostly liberals) that set up this Ponzi scheme to begin with. LET THAT JUST SINK IN FOR A FEW SECONDS, SICK? Yea me too! This ALSO ties in perfectly (the ads 24/7are exactly the same for forgiving/refinancing mortgages) with the “government produced” 2008 housing/economy implosion via CRA (community reinvestment act) started by Carter, strengthened by Clinton, and this enabled aagotus Holder to blackmail banks/mortgage companies into giving out loans to the most woefully unqualified applicants. (I will give my CRA dissertation upon request) The bottom line? Well, this scheme allows the liberals to covet (like meth to a meth addict) the three “most important” things to all liberals and government, namely, it keeps them in POWER, via votes (from the mindless sheep/former students via propaganda) it enriches them via the MONEY from said schemes, and, which allows them to exact even more CONTROL over the mindless minions. This is simply an endless cycle, which keeps money flowing to the liberals/government, while weakening the economy, the family and the republic as a whole. If this 30 year trend is allowed to continue, IT WILL lead to the eventual ruin of our great republic. You cannot make this stuff up, this is also exactly the tactic being employed by our “farm league foreign policy” employed by these mindless, utopian seeking liberals. I.E, we continue to fund countries (WITH AMERICAN TAXPER MONIES) whom are looking to eradicate us from the face of the earth, we continue to pay the middle-east for oil THAT WE HAVE PLENTY OF RIGHT BELOW OUR FEET/OCEANS! Basically we are funding the mindless cretins, so they may train and take up arms, as they vow to smite the infidels. SMH….OK, I can also give my dissertation for those that have not already heard my take on “Energy Independence.” NOVEMBER CANNOT get here soon enough. I PRAY TO GOD that enough “non-liberal” voters are sick to their eyeballs at what our country is becoming and RISE UP and let their voices be heard at the polls, IF NOT, financial Armageddon, is just around the corner. We are yet at another critical tipping point in history, we cannot afford to let those that look to ruin our way of life, while enriching and securing their own futures, to continue to wield this unmitigated, ruinous power and control over the future of our families and our great republic. *DISCLAIMER* This in no way shape or form means that I do not value a good education, NOR am I attempting to dissuade ANYONE from not attaining a college degree. JUST MAKE SURE that you pursue a discipline that can give you a life-long career and not just a piece of paper. Im available for suggestions on another thread on my opinion(s) options in that pursuit. God Bless everyone. theatlantic/business/archive/2009/08/education-costs-rising-faster-than-health-care/23705/
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 19:14:19 +0000

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