American actor, director, screenwriter, playwright, producer, - TopicsExpress


American actor, director, screenwriter, playwright, producer, author and songwriter Tyler Perry shared this on his Facebook page recently. Be encouraged parents! Warning! Be careful how you treat your children! In my prayer and quiet time this morning, I was praying about how to one day be the best father that I can be. Because of God and my daily walk with Him, I have no doubt that I will be a great dad, but as I look back in my life for an example, all I can remember were all the horrible things that were said and done to me as a kid. But before I could get sad about it, I remembered something I wrote a while back about learning in reverse. If you are like me and had no good examples, then your lesson is in reverse. I learned many years ago that if I do the opposite of what was done and said to me then I have learned how to be a good father some day. Which led my mind to a line in one of my favorite songs of all time Mary Did You Know. The song is about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and in the song the lyrics ask the question, Mary, did you know that the child you delivered will soon deliver you? Such a powerful question. I want to ask parents this question today. Do you know how special your child is? Do you know who God has put into your house? I know sometimes you think its just your child but Im sure many parents of children who went on to change this world had no idea who was sleeping down the hall from them. Be careful, because the child you delivered may one day have to deliver you. Meaning, the very child that you gave birth to and you took care of in your youth may be the child that has to take care of you as you age. If my mother was alive she would testify, I am sure. My prayer for us today: God, I pray this morning for every parent of children born and yet to be born to have a clear understanding of the blessing that their child is. In Jesus name. Amen. Have a beautiful day.
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:30:05 +0000

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