Americans are asking Congress to stay away from Syria. Here is one - TopicsExpress


Americans are asking Congress to stay away from Syria. Here is one open letter: To Senators Mike Crapo and Jim Risch, and Congressman Simpson: I have never been more mistrustful of Congress than I am right now. Congress has been delinquent in standing up against numerous violations to our Constitution committed by the NSA, the IRS, the DHS, the EPA, the President and the State Dept. You went home in August without anyone in these agencies being fired, charged or prosecuted for their crimes. You went on vacation with our nation $17 trillion dollars in debt, with no end in sight. Seriously, you call this leadership? I call this disgraceful. You should be in Washington right now standing up to the President and the globalist elites who want another unconstitutional war. You should be going after those who spy on us, those in the IRS who harass us, those who are wasting our tax dollars. You should be getting to the bottom of Benghazi and Fast and Furious. You should be balancing our budget. But you are not. You are on vacation. Little wonder Congress’ approval rating is in the single digits. The inaction and silence coming out of the Capitol are deafening, and signal your consent to business as usual. Too many of your replies to my letters to you end with, “I will be monitoring the situation.” Idahoans didn’t send you to Washington to watch, but to lead. So lead! Stop letting the President, the EPA, the NSA, the DHS, the IRS, by-pass you. You are becoming increasingly irrelevant. Want to regain our trust? Defend our rights. Defund unconstitutional agencies. Read the bills before you pass them. Legislate within your means. Act like representatives. Do your job! Prove to us you are still worthy of our trust, and worthy of our vote. Sincerely, Hilber Nelson Twin Falls, Idaho
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 04:05:56 +0000

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