An educated and innovative workforce is a driver for economic - TopicsExpress


An educated and innovative workforce is a driver for economic success. In order to move Ohio in the right direction, we need to rethink the normal methods for fixing education in Ohio. For too long, the concentration has been on what can be done in Columbus at the Statehouse and Board of Education to improve education. Further concentration has been on standardized tests, grading systems of schools with complicated algorithms, and worse, standing back and accepting whatever unfunded mandates come down the pike from D.C. This is not the way we become a leader among the many states in K-12 education. They way we improve is to start cutting down on interference on teachers and administrators, and allow for a stronger concentration on curriculum. We remove the one size fits all approach of standardized tests. We stop believing their is a common denominator on which we can rely to grade schools across the very diverse population we have in Ohio. We need to allow local schools to have more control. More choices. Choices in standards to follow, choices in programs and offerings in later years of education. We need to allow more parental choice in schools for their children. All the while being very aware and strict on funding and accountability for schools receiving tax dollars. I am not going to go to Columbus believing there is a magic bullet, or that this session of the General Assembly will finally get it right, but I do believe changing the mindset and methods in examining education will at a minimum start Ohio on the best track and best practices.
Posted on: Wed, 22 Oct 2014 02:48:14 +0000

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