Ancient KMT and the land of TA-NTR /punt According to the - TopicsExpress


Ancient KMT and the land of TA-NTR /punt According to the Ancient Egyptians, the second Egyptian ruling ethnic/class’s ancestral homeland was Punt (Somalia). They referred to this land as “Ta Nteru” (‘Land of the gods’). To emphasize their Puntite origins, the Egyptians portrayed the Puntites in the exact same manner in which they portrayed themselves. This new ruling ethnic/class called themselves “Mesnitu”(‘Metalworkers/blacksmiths’), and was also referred to as “Shemsu Hor” (‘Followers of Horus’). These Mesnitu had overthrown the original ruling ethnic/class, the Anu (those belonging to Osiris’s ethnic group; and yes, Osiris was a real life personage), who had previously established its domination over all of Egypt through military conquest and political unification. Their place of origin was “Ta Seti” (‘Land of the Bow’) in the Sudan. Gradually tradition would identify both Somalia and the Sudan as “Ta Khent” (‘Land of the Beginning’ or ‘Ancestral land’). The answers to the questions “Where did the Ancient Egyptians come from?” or “What race were the Ancient Egyptians?” have already been given centuries ago, by the Ancient Egyptians themselves. It isn’t a surprise, however, that such relevant information on Ancient Egypt by the Ancient Egyptians themselves.Queen Hatshepsut ruled Egypt from ca. 1503 to 1480 B.C. In contrast to the warlike temper of her dynasty, she devoted herself to administration and the encouragement of commerce. In the summer of 1493 B.C., she sent a fleet of five ships with thirty rowers each from Kosseir, on the Red Sea, to the Land of Punt, near present-day Somalia. It was primarily a trading expedition, for Punt, or God’s Land, produced myrrh, frankincense, and fragrant ointments that the Egyptians used for religious purposes and cosmetics. LOCATED IN THE HORN OF AFRICA, adjacent to the Arabian Peninsula, Somalia is steeped in thousands of years of history. The ancient Egyptians spoke of it as “God’s Land” (the Land of Punt). Chinese merchants frequented the Somali coast in the tenth and fourteenth centuries and, according to tradition, returned home with giraffes, leopards, and tortoises to add color and variety to the imperial menagerie. Greek merchant ships and medieval Arab dhows plied the Somali coast; for them it formed the eastern fringe of Bilad as Sudan, “the Land of the Blacks.” More specifically, medieval Arabs referred to the Somalis, along with related peoples, as the Berberi Somalia was known to the ancient Egyptian as the land of punt. They valued its trees which produced the aromatic gum resins frankincense and myrrh. Punt is also mentioned in the Bible, and ancient Romans called it Cape Aromatica. Somalia is named for the legendary father of the Somali people, Samaal (or Samale). The fame of the ancient Somalians (ancient of Cushities) is widespread in ancient history. They are described as the tallest, most powerful, most beautiful of human race. Therefore there seems to be no other conclusion to be drawn than that remote period of history, the leading race of Africa was somalis, Ethiopia and Egypt. These countries had a lot in common.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Jan 2014 08:25:52 +0000

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