Anonymous post, can you help? My little girl is 22 weeks old, - TopicsExpress


Anonymous post, can you help? My little girl is 22 weeks old, on solids for the last 3 weeks and really loving them. She is bf but has a formula feed (Aptamil) at bedtime. I will be going back to work soon and want to start the transition to more formula feeds now so that she is well adjusted and in a routine before she starts in crèche. I do plan to still give her the first morning bf but want to gradually switch the rest of her feeds to formula. Im a first time mother and am looking for advice from other mums who have done this on the best way to go about it, and the number of feeds and amount of formula she should be having a day. I think she needs less formula feeds than bf? Im finding it very hard to find information on this - seems a lot of weaning info Im reading is based on babies already in a formula fed routine, or else its focused on delaying introduction of solids for bf babies - neither of which are helpful to me! I tried for the first time today to give her a bottle after her lunch but she wasnt very keen and only took 2oz. This is her current routine: 07:00 wake and breastfeed 10:00 breakfast (porridge and breastfeed) 12:00 1 hour nap 13:00 lunch (fruit/veg puree and breastfeed) 15:00 45minute nap 15:30 breastfeed 17:00 30 minute nap 18:00 dinner (fruit/veg puree and breastfeed) 19:30 8oz bottle 20:30 asleep Thanks in advance! If you would like a question posted anonymously, please message our page. More discussions on pregnancy and parenting here
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 16:00:50 +0000

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