Another Unbelievable and Outrageous Outcome: Thanks Scott Mackey - TopicsExpress


Another Unbelievable and Outrageous Outcome: Thanks Scott Mackey for the following: Just as in Ferguson, heartbroken over the death, the clear sense of oppression felt by black communities and my own inability to fully empathize. conflicted over the grand juries decision. Firmly in the corner of police men and women, the vast majority of whom are honest, conscientious public servants who work challenging jobs on a daily basis to provide the community wide security and stability we ALL demand and should not take for granted. Angry that desperately poor minority individuals (such as Eric Garner, trying to make a few cents selling cigs) and communities are, as they have been for generations, systematically oppressed in this country...not necessarily by the police, but by public policy that is racist (and classist) at its core. Encouraged that violent crime has fallen dramatically since the 80s, many would argue thanks to good policing, but aware that rising inequality and falling opportunity are busy wiping out the middle class and making life harder than ever for poor Americans. But, were missing the point until we find a just way to fund schools for poor communities, seriously have a conversation about prison sentencing reform, adopt sane drug policy, move beyond local criminal justice systems that view citizens as atms ( and recognize that white and black experiences in this country are still radically different ( But also, lets be honest, Charles Barkley might have had a point today ( If this was easy, wed be openly talking about systemic issues facing black, brown and white america. Instead, were left yelling at each other over the most egregious outcomes resulting from our long broken system. Im not sure what a productive conversation would look or sound like, but I dont think it exists right now. some recent, light reading that is anything but comprehensive: Chris Rock on Race and Class: Everything Nick Kristoff: Class Prejudice Resurgent: How Abusive police are kept on the street: The Flaws of local policing: https://youtube/watch?v=j1ka4oKu1jo
Posted on: Thu, 04 Dec 2014 02:16:40 +0000

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