Anxiety Can be Suppressed Anger or Hurt There is a very - TopicsExpress


Anxiety Can be Suppressed Anger or Hurt There is a very interesting book by Dr. Archibold Hart called the Anxiety Cure. In it he talks about how people who are more prone to get adrenaline rushes need to get on medication to help with their anxiety. But I would say, often times, when people have been hurt a lot or had their trust broken, they can have a lot of suppressed anger. The suppressed anger can come out in various ways, sometimes angry outbursts or a boiling anger under the surface, which can appear as anxiety. Often times people will self-medicate this suppressed anger with drinking, smoking, working out three hours a day, or by taking over the counter medication. But all that any of that does is alleviates the symptoms, the by products of the anger. The only way to really solve the problem is to get at the root, which is anger. The solution is not medication. The solution is Forgive. Let it go. Whatever IT is for you. Move on. Stop holding a grudge. Let go of bitterness etc. Then the unspoken rage on the inside will calm down. The anger boiling under the surface will become still. Let the peace of God rule in your hearts. Blessed are the peacemakers. Peace isnt just something we keep with others to make God happy, it will greatly improve and maintain our health if we will stay at peace with all men and with ourselves. Sometimes, its ourselves that we have unbelievable anger towards and we cant forgive ourselves. But you need to. For the sake of your health and those around you, you really need to. Anger can give you tons of energy. Sometimes people can actually become addicted to anger because they like the energy it can give you. Doctors might call this energy from anger anxiety. Anxiety can also be a fear of man. But the reason we develop a fear of man is because we have been hurt before by people. Fear God, not man. Anxiety and depression are often coupled together. What is actually happening is that you get an overload on your nerves due to anger, or fear, and then your body shuts down from being on hyper drive and that is what causes depression. This is why Joyce Meyer always says, Do yourself a favor and forgive. Stress, anger, unresolved bitterness, can very much affect your health. Fear can as well. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. But the fear of man only leads to self-destruction. I read a booklet by Charles Capps about how Scripture can provide divine healing. He said our prescription should be to read certain statements, based on verses, every day. But to just read something and not get it in your heart will not cure you. That will not renew your mind. That is like following the letter of the law versus the spirit. Yes the Word of God can heal us. But not until it sinks into our hearts and changes us from the inside out. Gods word first heals us mentally and spiritually and then emotionally and physically. Our mental and emotional health always affects our physical health. Doctors say several diseases and sicknesses people get can simply be caused by stress, or I would say, too much suppressed anger. The Bible talks about being a peacemaker, loving others, forgiving etc. These things are not arbitrary commandments. They will HEAL you and cure you physically as well. If your mind becomes renewed, your body will as well. Why? Because our mind affects our bodies. The way we think affects our health. Stress begins in the way we think. Here is a good verse about health, Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the Lord and depart from evil. 8 It will be health to your flesh, And strength to your bones. (Prov. 3:7-8) If we fear God and depart from evil, like not staying bitter and angry at other people and not fearing man but only fearing God, then we will have better health in our flesh and bones, our physical body. Fear and anger weaken your body. Anger might at first seem to energize it, but unresolved anger just eats away at your bones. Suppressed anger, or doctors call it stress, causes ulcers, headaches and possibly more severe things like cancer etc. Forgive others. Let things go. Move on. And you will probably feel a lot better emotionally, mentally and even physically. Some think Gods laws are his way of keeping us from having fun, but no, that is Satan lying to you. Gods laws, more than anything else can, provide health to your flesh and strength to your bones. Amen praise God! :) God bless!
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 17:44:40 +0000

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