“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an - TopicsExpress


“Any time bombs are used to target innocent civilians, it is an act of terror.” – Barrack Obama So according to Obama, this must mean that his ally, Israel, lapdog David Cameron, and himself are terrorists. Even though technically, they claim to target ‘terrorists.’ However, we know that the amount of civilians that have been killed since the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq, is estimated to be at 1.5 million. That’s 500 times more than the civilians killed in 9/11, the incident which started this ‘War on Terror’ in the Middle-East. Now we are heading for round two in Iraq, and starting a series of fresh attacks on ISIS in Syria. The same group we were training and funding until this time last year. I wouldn’t be surprised if there is still some dealings going on between all the parties. This whole war is like a game for everyone involved. It’s based on lies, corruption, deceit, wealth, power, oil and materialistic gain. America and Britain are no different to the terrorists they’re fighting. They have killed more innocent people since 2001 than all the ‘Muslim extremists’ combined in the same period, and more than Assad, Gaddafi, Mubarak, and Ben Ali since the Arab Spring. Their actions can equate to organised crime, something mafia bosses like Al-Capone would be proud about. At least Al Capone was popular amongst the poor, looked after his own and was respected by some of his enemies. There is no doubt Obama and Cameron choose their terrorists and ignore the crimes of their allies, or even of their own. This latest assault on Syria by the West, with their newly founded Arab allies takes hypocrisy to another level. For three years Assad has killed over 200,000 Syrians, and no military action by America and its allies were taken. ISIS (whose actions I condemn) have killed not even 1% of that total, and over 40 countries agree to either carry out or support air-strikes in Syria. A handful of Western journalists get killed and America dont waste time in starting another war. The cries of the Syrians fell on deaf ears. It seems like their lives are less valuable. We already bombed Iraq into an abyss, now we will do the same in Syria. I wonder if America and its allies will be held accountable for war crimes, probably not. As usual it will go down as collateral damage. Where were all the Arab leaders when Gaza was being destroyed by Israel? Why side with America now? They were busy sleeping in bed with Obama and Cameron, and lining their pockets with money. Looking at the video below, it hurts me to know that many more children will be made orphans, more women made widows, and more families will be losing their loved ones due to military action by America and Britain. Scores of innocent civilians have already died. On 23rd September 2014, it was reported that 21 civilians were killed from U.S. air strikes on a populated neighbourhood, including six children. This north-western village in Syria had no ISIS presence according to the locals. So who exactly is this new coalition targeting and what is their military strategy? I think they’re doing what they did in Iraq, which is to bomb villages and towns randomly, and hope for the best. Will this go down as terrorism or collateral damage? Or will it be a case of America saying: “Our bad, we got bad intel” or “Oops, we pressed the wrong button, again.” A new chapter is being written in Middle-Eastern history, and it’s not a great one. Its saddening that it’s in our life time and we are witnessing it. What do we do? Do we remain silent or speak out? What do we tell our children when hundreds and possibly thousands of innocents will be killed by our very own government, all in our name, for the sake of justice and peace? Not only will the children of Syria worry about Assad’s barrel bombs, or the women being raped by his forces, or the men being killed by the oppressive army, now all these people will be hiding and taking shelter from Fighter jets, bomber aircraft, drones and Tomahawk missiles belonging to the Western-Arab coalition. I stand firmly against this new attack and any form of terrorism, regardless of who it may be. I will not support the British Government and military taking part in attacking Syria or Iraq. You don’t fight terrorism with terror. It hasn’t achieved anything, it has created more violence and hatred. If opposing my government and the army means that I am less patriotic, or anti-government/army, then that’s fine with me. It’s hard for me to support the killing of innocent people. I have a conscious, it allows me to see the line and stops me from crossing it. I am no angel, but hopefully it will make my day of reckoning easier. #BarrackObama #DavidCameron Greg Cullen Tomas O Ceallaigh Nad Dawag Yasin Imran Khan Vaseem Anjem Carol Anne Grayson Mohammed Naseem Mohammed Salam Aftab Hussain Pashtun Sara Hussain R Mohammed Shakiel Shabir Tauqir Tox Sharif youtube/watch?v=Xyk6Lik9HQg
Posted on: Sun, 28 Sep 2014 19:39:15 +0000

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