Are we losing sight of the kingdom? Have we allowed others to - TopicsExpress


Are we losing sight of the kingdom? Have we allowed others to guide our way? I am asking this because as women I realize how easy it is for us to follow culture, the influencers in our circles, and other voices of our day. But Christian women need to exercise wisdom and discernment, examining everything under the grid of Scripture and be sober-minded because we know the days are evil. Today we can even see a shifting tide in culture where Christianity is under attack in our country, so we need to be even more diligent and aware when we see it inside our own walls. Can I just say that just because a book made it into the top ten in the Christian bookstore does not always mean that it is biblically sound? This also goes for popular TV & radio shows, blogs, magazines, speakers, Facebook statuses, and more. We need to be careful not to fall into deception or false teaching because there is so much of it around. In many ways, we as women are even more gullible since we are more emotionally wired and relationally driven and if we dont know the Scriptures we can be easily misled. I am really disturbed by the amount of wrong teaching out there such as: Follow your heart. If it feels good do it. Its all about YOU and it doesnt matter what anyone else says. You might not hear it exactly in these terms, but you will experience different variations of them everywhere especially online. But what happened to: What do the Scriptures say? How does God view that? Who is the final authority of all things? Have we departed from the first things? Are we accepting a watered-down Christianity? Who is it all about anyway--us or Jesus? If we follow our heart, it can often can lead us down the wrong path. We need the light of Scripture to direct it. The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? Jeremiah 17:9 Now if you are truly having trouble figuring out if something is sound or not here a some steps to find out: 1. Study, Study, Study the Scriptures--dont just take a few seconds to Google something or ask someone on Twitter, but make sure you study the Scriptures deeply on a topic. There is so much misinformation out there you dont want to just take anybody for their word unless you know that they are solid. 2. Ask Your Husband--youd be surprised how many women go to other women or other sources before they ask their husband. Many times confusion could have been easily cleared by going directly to him. A godly husband who is not sure will often go to his pastor or study himself to give her the right answer. 3. Ask Your Pastor/Elder--if you are single go to your pastor for direction. That is his job to help guide you and make sure that you are not being misled. If you are younger, ask your parents for help. 4. Get Wise Biblical Counsel--if you are not in a church at this time, get counsel from sound friends who you know will tell you like it is (but in love, of course!). I recommend Christian friends who are older, wiser, and have lots of experience and wont water the Word down. Ladies, let us not lose sight of the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 18:19:21 +0000

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