As I lie here side by side with the one I love I feel so lucky. - TopicsExpress


As I lie here side by side with the one I love I feel so lucky. If I can offer anyone a little word of encouragement it is this. Never give up! It does not matter what it is you are going through or how hopeless things seem. Never give up. We all have the power to change but any change has to start from within. It does not matter what has happened in the past as it cant be changed and can only be used as a lesson. Until I truly let go of the past it was a great anchor keeping me stuck. It did not make a difference when I changed jobs, moved across the world as where ever I went there I was. I had to learn that everything outside of me was just stuff. It could all go in an instant and if I based my happiness on it and others, then I never had true happiness. It was not until I looked inside and found a way to be comfortable with just me that I was able to start to live the life we all truly deserve to live. From my battle and recovery from addiction I learned that we can never change People Places or Things. I learned to live by this little prayer. God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference. It is a very simple prayer but it truly just helped me find myself again. In less than 4 years of sobriety I have changed so much in my life. I went from 220lbs to 168lbs. I mended broken relationships with family members. I went back to school and got my associates degree. I have built an inspirational youtube channel. I have found my calling in life with a company that enables me to help 1000s of people I have met the girl of my dreams. I truly feel like my life is just beginning again. I am not sure how to put into words the impact I feel both myself and Courtney can have sharing our stories with others. It feels like I am living in a fairytale. I never thought this would ever happen to me. I am so grateful to all the people I have met on my journey who have inspired me not to give up and keep fighting when all I wanted to do was give up. I cant wait to see where this journey is going to take us and feel so lucky to share it with so many people.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Jul 2014 15:31:15 +0000

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