Assalamu,alaikum wr wb Once Amīr-ul-Muminīn, Sayyidunā - TopicsExpress


Assalamu,alaikum wr wb Once Amīr-ul-Muminīn, Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu went to a cemetery in Kufa to visit graves. Seeing a newly-prepared grave, he RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu desired to get to know of its internal state, so he RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu implored Allah Azzawajal humbly, ‘Yā Allah Azzawajal reveal to me the condition of the deceased buried in this grave.’ Immediately, all the veils between him and the deceased were lifted. What he saw was a horrific scene; the deceased was being burnt in fire and screaming out for help from Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu : O ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu! I am drowned in fire and I am burning in fire. The dreadful scene of the grave and the screams of the deceased person saddened Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu . He lifted his hands in the court of his Merciful Allah Azzawajal and began to pray with utmost humility for the forgiveness of the deceased. A voice from Ghayb echoed, ‘O ‘Alī (RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu)! Do not intercede for him as he used to disrespect Ramadan in spite of fasting, he did not refrain from committing sins even in Ramadan, he used to fast during the day but would indulge in sins at night.’ Listening to this voice, Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu became even more sad; he RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu prostrated and began to cry. (With tears in his eyes) he said, ‘Yā Allah Azzawajal! Please accept my supplication, this man has called out to me for help with high hopes, O Creator Azzawajal do not disappoint me in front of him, have mercy on him and forgive this helpless man.’ Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu continued to pray in the court of Allah Azzawajal . He then heard a voice say, ‘O ‘Alī (RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu)! We have forgiven him for the sake of your grieved heart.’ The man was then relieved of punishment. (Anis-ul-Waizin/Pp:25) CONVERSATION WITH THE DECEASED* Dear Islamic brothers sisters! Amīr-ul-Muminīn Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu was blessed with a high spiritual status. By the grace of Allah Azzawajal he RaddiAllahu Anhu was able to talk with the dead. Here is another parable: ‘Allāmaĥ Jalāluddīn Suyūtī Shāfi’ī Rahmatullah Alaihi has narrated that Sayyidunā Sa’īd Bin Musayyab RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu has said, ‘We passed by a cemetery in the company of Amīr-ul-Muminīn, Sayyidunā ‘Alī RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu. He RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu said, Will you tell us about your state or shall we tell you about ours?’ The narrator said, ‘We heard a voice from inside one of the graves, O Amīr-ul-Muminīn (RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu! Please, tell us what happened in the world after we left.’ He RaddiAllahu Taala Anhu replied, ‘Your wives have remarried, your wealth has been distributed, your children have become orphans and your enemies are now living in the strong houses you built. Now tell us about your state.’ A voice from within one of the graves said, ‘Our shrouds are torn, our hair is messy, our flesh has torn to pieces, our eyes have fallen out onto our cheeks, our nostrils are full of pus, we reaped what we sowed, we suffered loss in what we left behind, and now we are with our deeds. (In other words, the one with righteous deeds will find peace in Heaven, and the evil doer will suffer the consequences of his deeds).’ (Sharh-us-Sudur/Pp:209)
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 13:48:32 +0000

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