At this exact instant on this exact planet there are more people - TopicsExpress


At this exact instant on this exact planet there are more people than you, or I, or anyone else would ever care to admit, that are buried beneath the weight of wasted time. The shoulds and supposed tos and becauses and jobs and money and requirements and responsibilities add up and pile up and entomb us. How many miles separate how many people from the lives they should be leading, the people they should be loving and the moments they will never get back? The justification of this frustration paints a glossy veneer of happiness over the rust of the truth hiding below it. It’s the realization of our encapsulation that cracks the paint and lets the color fade. When do we forget the value of what we hold and when do we forget to care about the burying we submit ourselves to? Somewhere a much younger version of ourselves is staring into the future raising tiny fists, clenched into the air and screaming a wordless warning that falls on deaf ears that age has stolen sound from. We see ourselves and we see the meaning we’ve assigned to meaningless things; we see the imagination running off the pages we painted, watercolors evaporating and leaving behind only blank canvas, only dry brushes. Hasn’t the time come to stop this, to put water to the burning of our futures by the flames of our past restrictions? Has not the time arrived to mix the color in the water and dip the brush, dried an atrophied and lonely from the waiting it too has endured? Live life like you love to live and make that life the one you’ve been waiting for. At this exact instant you and only you can rise from the layers of wasted time, drive your hand through the sediment and feel the sunlight on your fingers!!
Posted on: Sat, 27 Jul 2013 22:26:14 +0000

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