*****BANANA BENEFITS, RISKS AND PRECAUTIONS**** Bananas are one of the most widely consumed fruits in the world for good reason. The curved yellow fruit packs a big nutritional punch, wrapped in its own convenient packaging. Some scientists believe that the banana may have even been the worlds first fruit. Nutritional breakdown of bananas One medium banana (about 126 grams) is considered to be one serving. One serving of banana contains 110 calories, 30 grams of carbohydrate and 1 gram of protein. Bananas are naturally free of fat, cholesterol and sodium.2 Caloric Content Nutrient Values per 100 gms. of edible portion Content as compared to other fruits Calories 116 Caloric dense Protein (g) 1.2 Average Fat (g) 0.3 Low Dietary fibre (g)* 2.6 Rich Carbohydrates (g) 27.2 Rich Mineral Content Nutrient Values per 100 gms. of edible portion Content as compared to other fruits Calcium (mg) 17 Average Phosphorous (mg) 36 Rich Iron (mg) 0.36 Low Magnesium (mg) 41 Rich Sodium (mg) 36.6 Average Potassium (mg) 88 Rich Zinc (mg) 0.15 Average Vitamin Content Nutrient Values per 100 gms. of edible portion Content as compared to other fruits Carotene (mcg) 78 Average Vitamin C (mg) 7 Low Vitamin B6(mg)* 0.8 Rich Today, bananas are grown in at least 107 countries and are ranked fourth among the worlds food crops in monetary value. 1. Bananas are a caloric dense fruit. Consumption of just one banana anytime through the day makes one feel energetic. 2. Banana is a food most appropriate when small but nutrient dense food has to be given in situations of extreme weight loss or extreme fever where the body becomes weak and there is food aversion. 3. They are a good source of potassium and magnesium which aid in maintaining normal blood pressure and are heart protective. BLOOD PRESSURE: Maintaining a low sodium intake is essential to lowering blood pressure, however increasing potassium intake may be just as important because of its vasodilation effects. Also of note, a high potassium intake is associated with a 20% decreased risk of dying from all causes. 4. The high potassium content promotes bone health too. 5. Banana help counteract the urinary calcium loss caused due to increase ion potassium levels in the urine. 6. Bananas have an antacid effect and are said to protect against stomach ulcers. They contain a compound called as protease inhibitor which protects the stomach from unfriendly bacteria which cause stomach or gastrointestinal disturbances. 7. Bananas are also known to stimulate cell proliferation which thickens the stomach mucosa and is a barrier against stomach acids. 8. Conditions like diarrhea can easily dehydrate the body and deplete the electrolytes. Consumption of banana helps to restore the lost potassium and helps maintain heart function. Bland foods such as apple sauce and bananas are recommended for diarrhea treatment. Electrolytes like potassium are lost in large quantities during bouts of diarrhea and may make those affected feel weak. Bananas can help to promote regularity and replenish potassium stores. 9. Bananas are rich in the soluble fibre pectin. Thereby it assists healthy digestion and eases out constipation. 10. They are a rich source of fructooligosaccharides which act as a prebiotic and stimulate the growth of friendly bacteria in the intestine. They protect us from harmful bacteria that cause gastric disturbances 11. Fructooligosaccharides also produce digestive enzymes which improve the ability to absorb nutrients. 12. Bananas contain short chain fatty acids which are essentially needed by the cells lining the intestinal tract to stay healthy. This further improves the nutrient absorption. 13. They are a good source of carotenoids which are antioxidants and have a protective effect against chronic disease condition. They also have a high content of antioxidant phenolic compounds 14. Banana is known to render a soothing effect. It has a compound called as tryptophan which on getting converted to serotonin improves mood. 15. It is one of the ideal foods to be eaten immediately after a strenuous workout too. The simple sugars present in them quickly provide energy and normalize the blood sugar levels. 16. CANCER: Consuming bananas, oranges and orange juice in the first two years of life may reduce the risk of developing childhood leukemia. As a good source of vitamin C, bananas can help combat the formation of free radicals known to cause cancer. High fiber intakes from fruits and vegetables like bananas are associated with a lowered risk of colorectal cancer. 17. HEART HEALTH The fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6 content in bananas all support heart health. An increase in potassium intake along with a decrease in sodium intake is the most important dietary change that a person can make to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease High potassium intakes are also associated with a reduced risk of stroke, protection against loss of muscle mass, preservation of bone mineral density and reduction in the formation of kidney stones 18. DIABETES: Studies have shown that type 1 diabetics who consume high-fiber diets have lower blood glucose levels and type 2 diabetics may have improved blood sugar, lipids and insulin levels. One medium banana provides about 3 grams of fiber. 19. PRESERVE MEMORY and BOOST MOOD: Bananas also contain tryptophan, an amino acid that studies suggest plays a role in preserving memory and boosting your mood. INCORPORATE BANANAS INTO YOUR DIET Fresh bananas are available year-round. Unlike other fruits, the ripening process of bananas does not slow down after they are picked. Bananas should be stored at room temperature. The warmer the temperature, the faster bananas will ripen. However, to slow ripening, bananas should be refrigerated. The outer peel of the banana will darken but the banana itself will stay intact longer. Bananas and oatmeal Add a sliced banana to your morning cereal or oatmeal for a more nutritious breakfast To encourage faster ripening, place the banana in a brown paper bag at room temperature Like apple sauce, ripe mashed bananas can be used in baked goods to replace oil or butter. Mashed bananas lend a moist, naturally sweet flavor to muffins, cookies and cakes. Peel and freeze bananas for a great addition to any smoothie. Add sliced banana to your morning cereal or oatmeal, or take a banana with you on your way to work or school for a healthy, portable snack. RISKS AND PRECAUTIONS Beta-blockers, a type of medication most commonly prescribed for heart disease, can cause potassium levels to increase in the blood. High potassium foods such as bananas should be consumed in moderation when taking beta-blockers. Consuming too much potassium can be harmful for those whose kidneys are not fully functional. If your kidneys are unable to remove excess potassium from the blood, it could be fatal. Certain medications used for heart disease and hypertension have the potential to increase potassium levels. Examples include certain Beta blockers such as Labetalol, medications that work by blocking the actions of the hormone Aldosterone such as Lisinopril and Losartan ; And certain Diuretics like Spironolactone and Eplerenone. This is a partial list only, and you should consult with your doctor if potassium levels become a concern.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 10:14:25 +0000

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