BBB Busy, Blind and Blurred忙盲茫嗎? Take A Break! - TopicsExpress


BBB Busy, Blind and Blurred忙盲茫嗎? Take A Break! 休息一下吧! 你是否發現,四周人們日日似乎都一直忙碌掙扎嗎?有句話說得好,「如果魔鬼不能讓你變壞,他會讓你變忙。」因為所有這些看似有價值做的工作,只有分散唯一在永恆中對你真正重要的祝福。 即使是教會的活動,若沒有神的祝福,也不會結出禱告的果實。我們變得如此忙碌,以致於沒有時間或剩下一些垃圾時間默想神的話語與禱告。更糟糕的是,我們合理化忙碌的藉口。 對喜歡享受在輝煌的成就中的人而言,暫停一段時間休息是件困難的事。但往往休息沉澱的用意是為更重要的事情再度出發。因為人在忙碌中生命中,會沒時間來發揮創意。雖然你可能沒時間休假一段時間來重新思考和規劃人生真正未來方向,但我們卻可以在每天的行程中安排時間禱告,懇切地尋求主的旨意。當我們把自己的心思意念向上帝敞開,祂就會指引我們生命的方向,並投入能榮耀祂的事工。 但沒有人比耶穌更忙。祂在短短三年時間內有很多事情要做,很多道理經驗要教導。祂做了什麼?耶穌花時間在與天父建立關係列為最優先。黎明之前他以早起,只是為了向天父祈禱。沒有什麼比這件事更重要,或更急迫在花時間與天父獨處。如果耶穌需要花時間與天父獨處,更何況是我們呢? 如果你今天不花時間與主獨處,魔鬼會毀滅,偷竊和破壞任何聖靈結出的果子。一個得勝的基督徒生活最重要的事情,似乎又是最難的事情就是保持一致的穩定時間與神接近。我們必須明白聖靈力量的釋放是依賴在神的話語中。如果魔鬼可以讓你無法打開聖經吸取神的話語養分,你所做一切會是無效用的,並且無法知道神的旨意,享受到平安。神要指導帶領你走義路,但前提,你必須花時間與他獨處。 上帝是至高無上的。祂可以做祂想做的,祂能保守祂所想要的。讓主有自由支配在我的過於忙碌的計劃,給了我一個除了我生命,還能祝福他人的平安和喜樂的計劃。現在該是重新規劃忙碌優先順序。除主以外,沒有人或事物的忙碌能帶來了真正的仁愛,喜樂,平安,不僅在聖誕佳節存在的禮物,但我們的日常生活都時時刻刻與我們同在。 忙碌於家事,不是種藉口來忽略了重要的家人。我們一直太忙砍柴而無法抽出時間來磨利斧頭。我們一直太忙磨槍而無法抽出時間上膛上戰場。如果火熄滅了,忙碌於打更多的鐵有什麼用處呢?有時候覺得教會會更好,如果忙於準備活動的時間撥來安靜下來禱告讀經,關心需要的弟兄姊妹,等待主耶穌為我們預備的一切。詩篇 46:10:「你們要休息,要知道我是神!我必在外邦中被尊崇,在遍地上也被尊崇。」 明天開始早點起床,尋求上帝第一;做任何計劃之前,默想和祈禱尋求上帝第一。 沒有其他的任務可以與全心全意尋求上帝相比。你們要先求他的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。與其那麼堅決抵抗不如降伏,與其那麼抵死不從不如屈服上帝的旨意。因凡是徹底降伏給上帝的人必定不輕易降伏其他人與魔鬼的誘惑。 馬太福音6:33, “ 你們要先求上帝的國和他的義,這些東西都要加給你們了。” 全能的上帝,請幫助我們了解,平安不來自忙碌或生意中,但平安是從冷靜的靈魂獲得。如果我們今天有著困惑或擔憂的心,使我們有能力控制自己並等待祢的力量。阿門。 Are You Busy, Blind and Blurred? First Thing First? Have you found that the more we look around, the more we see that people are struggling? There is a saying, “If the devil can’t make you bad, he will make you busy. ” For all those seemingly valuable things you are doing distract you from the only thing that really matters for eternity. Even church-oriented events will not bear the fruit you are praying for without His counsel and His blessing. We can become so busy that we do not make time or even have little time to meditate on God’s Word and pray heart-felt prayer. What is worse, we rationalize, justify and make excuses that we are too busy to make the Lord a priority. For common people who are prone to relish life in the midst of great success, it is a hard thing to call a time-out and take a break. But rest in solitude stands for another big stride to go ahead, for living in a society full of hustle and bustle, we don’t have time to bring out our potential and creativity of life. It is unlikely that you don’t have time to spare a spell to rethink and plan for your real orientation towards your meaning of life.But all of us can build time into our schedule to seek the Lord earnestly through prayer. As we open our hearts and minds to God, He will be faithful to reveal the steps of life and service that honor Him. However, no one was busier than Jesus. He had many things to do and many lessons to teach in a very short period of three years on earth. What did He do? Jesus made it a priority to spend time with the Father. He would rise early, before the dawn, just to pray. There was nothing that was more important than or as pressing as spending time with His Father. If Jesus needed to spend time alone with God, how much more do we need to spend time with Him? If you do not spend time with the Lord today, the devil will kill, steal and destroy any fruit of the Spirit. The most important thing that allows us to live a victorious Christian life seems to be the hardest thing to maintain on a consistent basis. We have to understand that the power of the Holy Spirit is released by abiding in the Word. If the devil can keep you from opening the Word, you will be ineffective and have little peace in knowing the will of God. The Lord wants to instruct you and keep you in the way you should go; but you must spend time with Him for Him to be able to lead you. God is sovereign. He can do what He wants and He can bless whom He wants. Allowing the Lord to have free reign in my overly scheduled day gives me a peace and joy that blesses others in addition to me. Now is the time to reprioritize the tight schedule in our life. The Lord alone can bring true love, joy and peace on earth through His presence, not only at Christmas, but for our everyday lives. Busyness in the King’s business is no excuse for neglecting the King. We have been too busy chopping wood to take time out to sharpen the axe. We have been too busy polishing a gun to take time out to load it. Of what use is it to have many irons in the fire if the fire is going out? Sometimes, the church would be better off if we would call a halt to festival activities at Christmas and allot some time to pray prayers and meditate on the Word of God, show concern for brothers and sisters in need. Last but not least, just wait on the Lord to see what he is waiting to do for us.Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations,I will be exalted in the earth.” From tomorrow early morning, seek Him first ; first before any plans are made and first in your thoughts and prayers. No other task can compare to finding God after seeking Him with your whole heart. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto you. (Matthew 6:33)It is not so much resolution as renunciation, not so much courage as resignation, that we need. He that has once yielded thoroughly to God will yield no earthly and devilish temptation with ease. Matthew 6:33, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Almighty God, help us to understand that peace does not come from business or busyness, but is obtained through the calm of the soul. Grant that if we may be perplexed or worried to-day, we may have the power to control ourselves and wait in your strength. Amen.
Posted on: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 00:48:55 +0000

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