BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE” (Joshua 1:6NIV) GOD told Joshua - TopicsExpress


BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE” (Joshua 1:6NIV) GOD told Joshua “BE STRONG and of GOOD COURAGE” Why? Here are four reasons: 1. For Joshua sake: GOD had invested a lot in Joshua; the FUTURE of the entire nation has rested on his shoulder. And since GOD has invested a lot in us too, we must believe that it is His WILL for us to succeed. 2. For the LORD’S sake: GOD told Joshua, “Do not be AFRAID.. for the LORD your GOD is with you where ever you go” (Joshua 1:9NKJV) GOD’S reputation was on the line. Has Joshua failed to conquer the Promised Land, it would have brought REPROACH to GOD’S name and made His people a laughing stock. The LORD has a bigger stake in Israel’s success than anyone else. 3. For the sake of others: People are watching us. They want to know if we’ll face the situation with courage or buckle before it in FEAR. Our ability to demonstrate our FAITH in the midst of difficulties will give them COURAGE. The battle is not just about us, it’s about those GOD’S planned to BLESS through us. We may not have MONEY or FAME, but we have INFLUENCE. We may have experienced FEAR but the Psalmist declared; “Whenever I am AFRAID, I will TRUST in You” (Psalm 56:3NKJV) 4. For your enemies sake: David wrote “You PREPARE a table before me in the PRESENCE of my ENEMIES” (Psalm 23:5NKJV). GOD will not only FIGHT for us, He will VINDICATE us in the eyes of our CRITICS. It’s good to have CRITICS and COMPETITORS. Sometimes a FOE can PRESS us into VICTORY where a friend cannot. Who would have ever heard about DAVID without GOLIATH? So what’s your DREAM? Is there an ENEMY standing between you and its FULFILLMENT? DARE to CONFRONT them and they will BECOME an INSTRUMENT in GOD’S hand to PRESS you into your DESTINY. CRISIS is God’s incubator for character development and promotion. Be courageous and pressed forward for the battle is not yours but God’s! A PRAYER FOR TODAY Father God, You are the giver of all life! You give life to my dreams, life to my relationships, and life to my mortal body. Today I choose to release the past and embrace the gift of life You have in store for my future in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 00:22:05 +0000

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