BEING THE PRESS STATEMENT ISSUED BY THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF POLYTECHNIC STUDENTS NAPS . WE ARE DISAPPOINTED AFTER of 358 DAYS OF STRIKE. Haven understood the worth of Nigerian polytechnic and colleges of education students in the heart of the president, commander in chief of arm forces federal republic of Nigeria his Excellency Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan has his administration displayed over in the battle that left us idle for almost a year all in the name of ASUP/COEASU strike, the president has further convinced us that we have no value to him nor his administration because if he could have intervened even without any group or individual demanding his intervention just has he did during less than 5months ASUU strike, his complete shun of polytechnic and colleges of education despite the official National Assembly call on his Excellency to rescue the situation which he never honor as we have it on record that the strike was never resolved but suspended after student lost complete session, a year house rent wasted, a year life time wasted, a year extension of graduation, and many other disastrous life event recorded y Nigerian students. ASUP/COEASU only consider the commitment of new Education minister Mallam Ibrahim Shekaraou and the appeal of student to return to class because if none of the cogent demands is completely addressed and implanted up till now after our strike clock 1year old then we agree of having no Government as opposition always say, the administration of president Jonathan is a completely waste and worst we have ever had in the history of Nigeria democracy, despite the education qualification of Mr. President (Doctorate)which ought to be an advantage to education system but rather a disinter to our education sector and the dear nation as whole, the administration which recorded highest number of citizen death particularly the youth/student in the name of BOKO-Haram insurgency, police stray bullet/ extral judicial killing and lots, the Need Assessment Committee Report, the HND/BSC Dichotomy Committee Report, lecturer Salary Arrears which has been submitted but none have receive implementation action, we concur with the public opinion of insensitivity and insincerity of the government of the day. We are completely disappointed as such declare our TOTAL LOST OF CONFIDENCE IN THE TRANSFORMATION AGENDA of President Goodluck Jonathan. We have identified pretenders in the government who uses student/youth interest to negotiate for personal and selfish benefit. The analysis of the strike has shown the major problem and enemies of Nigerian youths/students, we commend the bold step taking by the new Education Minister Mallam Ibrahim Shekarou to have made ASUP/COEASU strike first issue to be tackle on his first day of assuming office even though we have been on protest in Fed Ministry of Education since on Monday 7th July 2014 after the expiration of our one week ultimatum issued by the student body to FG emanated from the consecutive absence of FG delegates particularly the wicked Barrister Wike Nyesome the then supervising Minister for education in a meeting summoned to end the lingering strike by senate committee on education before the honorable minister resumed office on Thursday 10th July 2014 where police turn against the protesting students in the education ministry which left scores severely injured. The several attacks on student protest by men of Nigerian police force which has not gotten any remedy by the appropriate authority is another evidence of president Goodluck Jonathan Administration failure and lack of respect for constitution of Federal Republic of Nigerian which give rooms for freedom of expression with peaceful protest, we were attacked alongside our lecturers during one of our peaceful protest in Abuja, the same thing was done to us in Lagos , more than 20 students have lost their lives to police bullet while more than 100 have sustained injury from police brutality within the last 7month which no justice has been done. All this has been attributed to lost of our confidence in Transformation Agenda; Transformation with brutality and killing of youth/student by police bullet and deadly boko haram is meaningless we further denouncing our earlier induction by Comr. Jude Gabriel Imagwe the SSA to President Goodluck Jonathan on youth and students matters as TRANSFORMATION AMBASSADOR. IS SHAME TO TRANSFORMATION TEAM THAT 1YEAR STRIKE IS SUSPENDED NOT CALLED OFF. In our quest to take our destiny to our hand we reject the commercialization of post Jamb examination by Rectors of polytechnic which is hindering the maintenance of standard of technical education as well frustrating the struggle for equalization of HND/Bsc certificate because the jamb stakeholders meeting where cut-off for all institution categories are determined as further prove the role of polytechnic rectors in sabotaging the effort of all concerned to end HND/BSC disparity by demanding lower cut off mark for polytechnics just to have more student to participate in post-jamb examination, the earlier pronouncement of Federal Ministry of Education on the post jamb examination fee to be #1,000 also supported by the National Assembly as now been swept under carpet by polytechnic Rectors all in the name of extorting the poor masses and the admission seekers which none of them can account for, we have resolved to wage war against extortion of student and any force to frustrate dichotomy removal. We cannot accept polytechnic demanding more than #1,000 for post jamb examination. Thus we demand all polytechnic rectors should exempt HND applicant from post jamb examination exercise as well charge only #1,000 for the examination for ND/Jamb applicant any attempt to go contrary to this demand, NAPS shall mobilize to stampede the exercise of such polytechnic. We have in conclusion discover that the inequality, basterdisation, lack of credibility, derailment and non challant attitude of technical/ND&HND awarding institutions in Nigeria today boils down on the poor management of National Board for Technical Education NBTE head by Engr. Moshood kazaure as such we PASS VOTE OF NO CONFIDENCE on the Executive Secretary as well demand the immediate resignation of the Engr. Mashood kazaure within the next 3weeks which elapse on 2nd August 2014 from today or consider the Board head office in Kaduna shut down by student with mass action. We sincerely appreciate the new Education Minister Mallam Ibrahim Shekarous as we implore him to keep his word and ensure the demands of the striking unions ASUP/COEASU are address within the suspension period of 3months to avert the re-occurrence of the resumption of the strike, we laud and appreciate the senate/house committee on education, all polytechnic/colleges of education students, all reputable dignitaries and entire Nigerians who in one way or the other as assist us to arrive at this point for the steadfastness, solidarity support and commitment so far , the National Association of Nigerian student NANS ZONE B led by Comr. Okorie Santos, we acknowledge and condemn in totality the betray act of the following group/persons in the cause of this 1 year and 6months ASUP/COEASU strike respectively, as they were never mute when ASUU was on strike for only 5months NLC,TUC, NUT, human right lawyers, the opposition party ALL PROGRESSIVE CONGRESS APC, columnist writers, NANS ZONE A, NANS ZONE C, and the MOST WICKED BARRISTER NYESOME WIKE as no record of any special solidarity effort was received all through the struggle. The leadership of naps shall in the next two weeks summon emergency senate meeting to take position on other matters as regard the wellbeing and avoidance of this type of ugly strike in yaba college of technology Lagos. . Aluta Continua!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Victoria ascerta.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Comr. Salahudeen A. Lukman Senate President NAPS
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 07:53:44 +0000

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