BENUE 2015 PLUS: BURUKU 2015 APC PROTOCOL, A GREAT LEAP FORWARD FOR BENUE APC. As thousands of PDP yesterday defect into APC in Buruku LGA, Benue State. For what many might seen as a mere decamping rally yesterday in Buruku tend up to become one of the most dramatic political event of the year as thousands of PDP supporters defected into APC voluntarily to support Dr. Samuel Ortom Governorship project 2015 in the state. The event which took place at the Burutu Community Primary School was graced by heavy weight APC political Stewart across the state. The event has been described by many as one of the greatest decamping rally ever held in Benue State since the inception of democratic governance the state. Speaking to Ayatutu News 24 Hon. Orker jev, a seasoned political icon in thè area said Benue 2015 is fôr APC adding that the APC is set to defeat the PDP in the state and beyond. peaking to our reporter in Buruku, one of the PDP decampees into APC told our reporter that they were no longer comfortable with the manner to which the PDP lead Government of Benue State is going about governance and the wishes and aspirations of Benue people. we are no longer comfortable with Suswam PDP led Government, salaries are not paid for months , elections have become selections in Benue State which is against the principle of fair play and objectivity in a democratic setting said an angry PDP decampee yesterday to our reporter. Addressing the decampees, Dr. Ortom who reassured his commitment to activate root-t-branch reforms in order to attract speedy development to Benue State when given the mandate also noted the contributions of the opposition in their drive to keep the government more accountable to the people. Dr. Ortom who was visibly happy with the turn up of the event expresses satisfaction over the massive support he has gained since his defection into the party some time last year in pursuance of his governorship dream, vision and mission for Benue people across the globe. The Flag bearer of the APC Governorship candidate told our correspondent that he was overwhelmed with the turnout of the event adding that has given him hope and assurance that, the people of Benue State are truly behind his candidature as evidenced here in their massive turn up at the event he explained. Dr. Ortom sums up his address by assuring his supporters of his eminent victory at the polls even as he encourage them to obtain their voters card to enable them vote for him during the forth coming general elections in the state as the next governor of Bernie State. Mean while, the event is said to have sent a wave of political panic into the camp of the PDP, said a political analyst, Hon. John Dye, a member, of the Federal House of Representative, Representing, Gboko Tarkaa Federal Constituency to our reporter. What do you think of this great event, could this be the beginning of the fall of PDP in Benue State? Mail us your views and never forget to tell us which part of the state you are .
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 02:53:26 +0000

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