BEWARE the doctor whos first reaction is to prescribe cortisone - TopicsExpress


BEWARE the doctor whos first reaction is to prescribe cortisone injections. Emily visited Lucky Foot early this morning. She had been experiencing pain on the ball of her foot between the third and fourth toes. Her doctor diagnosed the condition as mortons neuroma. Based on my understanding of her signs and symptoms, I would agree. I asked Emily if her doctor explained how this may have happened. She said no. I asked if her doctor offered or explained non-invasive methods to alleviate the pain. Again, Emily said no. Apparently Emilys doctor made one suggestion which was a cortisone injection, and nothing else. This is not only disappointing, its concerning. Cortizone has no healing properties. It is intended as an all-else-fails option to relieve pain, not cure it. Multiple injection can make matters worse. We were able to help Emily with two non-invasive techniques. First we placed a metatarsal arch pad just behind the affected area of her foot. This helps take pressure away from the injured area and allows her toes to speed a little. We also re-laced her shoes to open the toe box up a little more, also taking pressure away. I loved seeing the look of relief on Emilys face when she said she felt better. This is not a doctors office so I wasnt able to bill emilys insurance for the $7 pad that alleviated her pain or the time it took me to re-lace her shoes. Emilys gratitude was enough to get my day off to great start.
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 21:06:05 +0000

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