BROKEN BRITISH POLITICS – SO WHAT IS THEIR AGENDA IF NOT WORLD GOVERNANCE – The last year of my leaving school was geared up to where you was going to work ,with Living in Grimsby once the largest Fishing Port in the World ,the stark choice was work in the fishing industry or other so we were categorised by the Careers Officers where you were to spend the rest of your working life .Your coerced option decided whether you where classed as T Technical or N Nautical and put into classes respectively .Fishing Industry or Other . The retiring age then was 65 for men and 60 for women ,but life expectancy was only 71.1 years so basically the Government decided you left school worked until the age of 65 then Died shortly after .Without going into the exact maths of the issue the five years you were expected to live in retirement you had paid for by National Insurance ect .But in those days there was plenty of work ,Coal ,Steel ,Fishing and Car Industries ,you could leave a job one day and walk into another the next . So what have you got now ,no decrease in Population ,more immigration ,less jobs and people are living longer .The Retirement Age has been increased so less opportunities for school leavers . So what is the Solution ,the situation cannot be sustained indefinitely .Every issue concerning Global Living conditions have been worked out by forecasters 30 or 40 years in advance It is no good ignoring the situation – that is how it is ,the United Nations has agenda 21 .Other forms of culling by different Countries have been studied ,proposals made and in some instigated - Bill Gates vaccination programme in Africa is certainly not to enhance the Population so we have more starving .Monsanto ,different Chemicals in food additives ,Wars and Epidemics cull so many but not enough in Modern Times for the World Population to be sustained . So who chooses who lives and who dies ,its not a selection process as Hitler used .It is Remove the NHS or make it less accessible ,make those who are non productive earn their keep – Workfare .Get rid of the Welfare System ,linger on processing benefit claims ,there are intelligent people behind all Governments that work this all out .As we know if brains were dynamite Politicians dont have enough to blow their hats off . Its all well and good to sign a Petition or protest march to save three legged toads in Outer Mongolia but its time people woke up to the Realities of life and re prioritised there protest actions .Save the Natterjack or Ourselves .Actions speak louder than words ,I have stopped buying Newspapers when I realised they fed us BS ,I have stopped paying my TV Licence for lack of proper News Reporting ,slowly but stealthily the Minority are getting the better of the Majority . brokenbritishpolitics.simplesite
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:08:53 +0000

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