Back on Track!! Although the festive season is on and as much - TopicsExpress


Back on Track!! Although the festive season is on and as much as I hate to spoil the flavor of it, considering the nature of our business,it would only be fair if we stop you from indulging.... Sugar and sweets : Sweets just taste good, too. And that preference gets reinforced by rewarding ourselves with sweet treats, which can make you crave it even more. With all that going for it, why wouldn’t we crave sugar? The problem comes not when we indulge in a sweet treat now and then, but when we over-consume, something that’s easy to do when sugar is added to many processed foods, including breads, yogurt, juices, and sauces. The American Heart Association, which recommends limiting added sugars to about 6 teaspoons per day for women and 9 for men. How to Stop Sugar Cravings: Tips to Use Right Now If youre craving sugar, here are some ways to tame those cravings. Give in a little. Eat a bit of what you’re craving, maybe a small cookie or a protein bar. Combine foods: If the idea of stopping at a cookie or a bar seems impossible, you can still fill yourself up and satisfy a sugar craving, like combining the craving food with a healthful one, mix some almonds with chocolate chips. As a beneficial bonus, youll satisfy a craving and get healthy nutrients from those good-for-you foods. Go cold turkey- Cutting out all simple sugars works for some people, although the initial 48 to 72 hours are tough. Therefore,Keep fruit handy for when sugar cravings hit. Youll get fiber and nutrients along with some sweetness. And stock up on foods like nuts, seeds, and dried fruits. Become the Boomer man : Chewing on a gum isnt a bad idea either,Keeps you busy and you tend to actually eat less. ( for for the sugar-free variety.) Eat regularly. Waiting too long between meals may set you up to choose sugary, fatty foods that cut your hunger. Instead, eating every three to five hours can help keep blood sugar stable and help you avoid irrational eating behavior. Your best bets? -Choose protein, fiber-rich foods like whole grains and produce. And if all of the above fails, Come down to Nutrition 7 And we help you undo what you just did this festive season.... :) Wish you all a very warm Diwali, Aman Singh, Nutrition7
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 08:32:53 +0000

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