Barbara Schrader nominated me for the Gratefulness challenge- list - TopicsExpress


Barbara Schrader nominated me for the Gratefulness challenge- list 4 things you are grateful for 5 days and nominate 3 friends to do the same. I now nominate - Trisha Morris, Jennio Ellen Jinx, and Vicki S. Herndon. Here we go! 1. I am grateful for both my parents. They both have taught me so many things. Always hold my head held high and do not let people bring me down. Also have shown me how to grow up into the person I am today. I wouldnt be who I am without those two! I love you guys! 2. I am grateful for my sister. She has made life one hell of a rollercoaster, but have shown me how to kick every bug that has gotten to her, in the butt! She is the true meaning of strength, I believe that no one else has that amount, but her. 3. I am grateful for my brother, John Schrader. Yes he is only my half brother and is 20 years older than me, but when we are together that doesnt matter! He can lighten any of my days and he will come down here at the drop of a hat if I were to ask. He is the best big brother ever, even though he has 9 and a half fingers, he is still a brother with 10 in my eyes! I love you! :) 4. Last but not least. I am grateful for my other half, Jeremy Klemptner. He is the rock, he holds me up when I am down, makes me laugh when Im sad, and when someone pisses me off he is there backing me up and listening. I am so very proud of him for what he is doing in his life, he will be saving lives everyday, cant beat that! In a couple months we will be together for 7 and a half years, never thought I would see that and couldnt ask for a better man to be with! I love you!
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 02:04:55 +0000

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