====Be weary of this document==== This is me trying to ob-solve my - TopicsExpress


====Be weary of this document==== This is me trying to ob-solve my power. With great responsibility comes great power and after you read this youll understand why INFLUENCE IS the #1 power in the world. plz do not attempt unless u know what u R dealing with not joking if u read this doc. u might as well read my whole facebook page.. Given on my own free will to accept such a blessing from the lds church -My patriarchal blessing-Mark Bement 2-oct-2005 given by warren R buss Greg, Kristie, and Matthew Bement as well as Me and ^ all present --Mark Nathan Bement, by the virtue of the holy Melchizedek Priesthood which i hold and in the name of Jesus Christ, i lay my hands on your head and give you a patriarchal blessing. your heavenly father uses this means to let you know of his love and concern for you. you have been placed here on earth at this time because you have a mission to perform. you are to help the church grow and take the gospel to many parts of the earth. you are also to prepare yourself and your family for eternal life and exaltation. i bless you with the desire to keep the commandments of your heavenly father and to read the scriptures and ponder their contents. pray that you may understand the principles of the gospel. the scriptures will become a force for good in your life and will help you make decisions and do the things you must accomplish in this life. as you are continuing your high school education, you will find great joy and satisfaction in your class work and in the activities in which you participate especially music where you have such great talent. you have other talents as well and you will be able to develop these. you will become more proficient in the sciences, math and other areas. you will be able to develop the skills you need to be successful in your life. you will be able to continue your education according to your desires and gain the training you need for a profession that will be beneficial and will help you provide for the needs of your family. you will be blessed with the desire to prepare yourself to serve a mission for your heavenly father. he has placed great faith and trust in the young men of the church to carry his message to the various parts of the earth. Prepare yourself through seminary, personal study, sunday school classes, and by attending other meetings. it is important that you also prepare yourself spiritually. fast and pray that you might fain a strong testimony of the gospel that will help you convey the message you will bear to the people where you will be called. be willing to follow the counsel of your bishop, other church leaders, and your mission leaders so you can call upon the spirit of the lord to direct your thoughts and actions. you will be able to find those individuals who have been waiting for a long time to hear the gospel message. you will be blessed to receive the inspiration you need to teach effectively. you will be able to say something that will generate interest in the people you meet so they will desire to study the gospel, gain a testimony, and become strong and faithful members of the church. you will be guided to find an eternal companion. your heavenly father has, some place, one of his daughters who will be a guide and companion to you. you must follow the counsel of the spirit so you can find her. she will have a strong testimony of the gospel and will be faithful and true to the covenants she will make. make sure that the two of you remain worthy so you can go to the temple to be married for time and all eternity. it is important that you begin your life together in this way so you will have the blessings of the priesthood in your home and the benefits of the covenants you will make that will tie you together for eternity. you will be blessed in your responsibilities as a husband. you will be guided so you can exercise your priesthood to bless your family. you will be privileged to have children who will be a great blessing to you. as you serve them faithfully and sacrifice for their needs, your love of them will grow. you will be guided so you can teach them the principles of the gospel in a manner pleasing to your heavenly father. you will understand what you need to do to provide for the needs of your family. the lord will open doors so you will have sufficient funds to take care of those needs. make sure you live in such a way that the spirit of the lord will always be in your home. as you do this, love and happiness will be there and your home will be a place of refuge for you. i bless you in your church assignments. you will have many. your musical talents and other leadership abilities will be of great value to your heavenly father to accomplish his work. through music and the spoken word wonderful messages about the gospel can be taught to those who are just starting to learn about the church. you will be blessed to use these talents in many different ways. you will be blessed with the desire to call upon your heavenly father to help you in your assignments so you can teach with power and authority those principles you know to be true. you will find that as you teach others and keep the commandments, your own testimony of the gospel will grow stronger each and every day. you will find that those you teach in the quorums and classes where you will be called to serve will grow stronger in their understanding of the principles of the gospel and will love you very much because of your service and dedication in their behalf. as part of your patriarchal blessing, I declare your lineage. you are privileged to be a descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. you are of the house of Israel and of the tribe of Ephraim. it is through this lineage that our heavenly father has sent his blessings and the gospel to all the nations of the earth. Abraham was promised that the gospel would be taken to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people. it will be your opportunity through missionary service in formal callings and also as your talk with friends, neighbors, and other acquaintances to share the gospel and your testimony with them. you will be able to encourage others to seek for the pearl of great price which brings such great happiness and blessings to us. i bless you that you will always keep the commandments of your heavenly father and desire to do what is right. you will be blessed with the ability to learn the principles of the gospel well so you can teach them with power. you will be able to convey these principles to others in a way that will be a great blessing to them. make them places where there is righteousness, happiness, safety, and protection from the evils of this world. I bless you with happiness and peace in your own life. you will realize how important you are to your heavenly father. you come from a wonderful family with great talents. you have seen good examples of how you should behave. you will be able to use this knowledge to train your own family so they will be happy, strong, full of faith, and diligent in keeping the commandments of god. You will be able to accomplish your work in your profession and other things you do in a manner that is pleasing to yourself. i bless you with health and strength that you can accomplish your work on the earth. I remind you that the blessings you receive this night are conditional upon your faithfulness. it is important that you keep the commandments and that you are diligent in doing this. if you do this, your heavenly father will pour his blessings down upon you. if you are faithful, I promise that you will come forth in the morning of the first resurrection and be crowned with glory, immortality, and eternal life. you will have the privilege of dwelling with your heavenly father, your savior, and your family in the highest degree of the celestial kingdom. Be true and faithful in all you do. set a good example for others. love your wife and family with all your heart. serve faithfully and diligently and i promise that the lordss blessings will be yours. These blessings i pronounce upon you by the authority i hold and in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. When Im no longer labeld a felon wont matter.. it matters why we try n label the person after me a felon that bothers me.. yep i have a f-4 FOREVER till the books change and i think thats unfair
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 16:07:53 +0000

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