Beauty is not an exactness of proportion or symmetry. Beauty is in - TopicsExpress


Beauty is not an exactness of proportion or symmetry. Beauty is in our individual uniqueness. You are not beautiful because of your finely measured shape, figure and the rest, you are beautiful because you are just different from every other person right here on the globe. We have often restrained the definition of beauty to that of facial appearance, body shape and elegance. However, beauty is not restricted to that, it is in our uniqueness. Isnt it beautiful being short, i ask? Isnt it beautiful being dark, i ask? Isnt beautiful being fat? It is beautiful. All of Gods creation are fearfully and wonderfully made. No one is more beautiful than the other, we are all beautiful in the Makers own way. In the way others are, do things, talk and behave; it shows their beauty. Do not wish they were like you or theyd be like you because they wont be; but they would be the people God created them to be. Do not esteem the beautiful folks than the not-so beautiful ones, they are both beautiful people. Thats the way God wants it and thats the way we should live with it. You talk much, i talk less; thats beautiful. Whenever i get tired of talking, you talk on, isnt that beautiful? An old hymn say, All things bright and beautiful, all creatures great and small, all things wise and wonderful, the Lord God made them all. All things are beautiful because the Lord God made them all. The blind, the lame and the deaf; they are all beautiful because the Lord God made them all. Everything He created is good, perfect and beautiful in His own sight maybe not in ours, and thats why we need to pray we see with the eyes of the Saviour. Dont outcast that girl because her face isnt like yours, God loves her the same. Dont leave that guy because hes not got the six-packs, he is beautiful in Gods eyes. See with the eyes of the Saviour, love with His heart and speak with His mouth. You are beautiful and I acknowledge it no matter what youve been told before. Your beauty is in that uniqueness you are born with.
Posted on: Thu, 08 May 2014 15:23:11 +0000

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