Being competition weekend – in Toowoomba, the gym will be closed - TopicsExpress


Being competition weekend – in Toowoomba, the gym will be closed Friday night and Saturday. Here’s our weekly wrap up just a little early this week. WEEKLY WRAP Monday morning’s circuit had our three usual takers in Cathy, Annalesa and Claire. Nice going girls…you are all very consistent and work well together. Jake also made it in for some weightlifting…working specifically on Snatch from blocks, getting up to some decent lifts on 65kg. Jo & Dee then made it in for a PT session….specifically to work on weights. Girls, you are definitely getting stronger, and your form/technique has improved immensely from when we first started. Afternoon time was a great session for Vicki, working up to 5 singles on her start weights for this weekend’s competition in Toowoomba. If you can perform this well in training, let’s hope that with the added adrenalin of competition you have a cracker on Saturday Vicki. Jake came in for his second session of the day…and had some fantastic lifts off the blocks – reaching 90kg cleans! Adam was in for his usual Monday night session. Even though he was a little stiff/sore Adam managed a decent 90kg snatch and 115kg CJ. With a few days of rest before a big hit-out on Sunday at the competition it should go well for you Adam. Tina was in and though also dealing with a few niggling pains, managed a decent session, almost snagging a 47kg snatch….you are getting more consistent with your lifts Tina…your close to another breakthrough soon! Tuesday morning was another wonderful day and started with Annalesa and Cath working their way around the circuit and Jake and Claire having a session of weightlifting. Jake stuck to some front squats and deadlifts, as he had pulled up a little sore in the ‘traps’ after his double session on Monday. Claire mainly worked on snatch…getting some good lifts in…with time they will become more consistent Claire. Good back squatting today – up to 60kg for 3sets of 3reps. Tuesday afternoon’s circuit was John’s domain…he worked well, still trying to get his groove back that he had before his wedding. Tim also made it in and had some great lifts (which is just as well with the comp coming up this weekend). Wednesday afternoon was Connor’s time to shine…making some great progress with his strength and form. Jake also made it in and set a new PB Clean & Jerk of 92kg. Your cleans are looking strong Jake and you have really worked hard of late on the Jerk – and you proved that in your lifting tonight. Thursday morning our circuit girls were hard at it, sweating away…Claire, Cathy and Annalesa are going ‘great guns’. Jake also had a session, though not too technical this morning, some snatch pulls and push press were the order of the day. Thursday afternoon kicked off with Jake in for his 2nd session…concentrating this time on back squats. Great strength Jake…115kg x 3sets of 3. Next in was Kerry, who had come along on Monday just to check it out and watched as Tina and Adam did some of their training. Today was Kerry’s introduction to ‘snatch’…not bad going for his first attempt. Next time we’ll work on CJ. Jo and John attended the circuit, and it wasn’t long before the fans had to go on! Tim was in also, going over both snatch and CJ, in readiness for this weekend’s competition. It was a night for newbies, Tash was next in. She is coming along for strength/power training to assist her with track cycling. Having not been in the gym before, we went over some basic moves, in preparation to learn the more complex power clean next week. Welcome to both Kerry & Tash. Friday morning while Cath and Annalesa worked their way around the circuit, Claire and Jake did some weightlifting exercises. Claire had some good success with Clean & Jerk from the blocks – up to 43kg, then followed up with some pulls from the floor and back squats. Jake started with some jerks from blocks and then continued with jerk heaves, reaching a respectable 105kg. Great work done by all!! Hope you all have a great weekend….and I’ll see you in the gym!
Posted on: Fri, 16 May 2014 01:35:31 +0000

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