Blessings of the Lord upon each and everyone of you in the name of - TopicsExpress


Blessings of the Lord upon each and everyone of you in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord, This post is probably the most difficult one for me to write because it is not written to offend anyone but only to bring forth a concern that needs to be addressed. What I want to share is not to speak against anyone or even to question anyone’s motives. It is to bring out something I truly believe I am seeing that could be important as Kingdom minded people begin to explain the unfolding of the Lord’s desires. In this post, I want to share some concerns on some of the new terminology being associated with the Kingdom of God and where it could lead. For whatever reason God has given me a “real check” in my spirit about some of what I am reading concerning the new “revelations coming forth about “Christ in us the Hope of Glory.’ There is a tremendous truth to those scriptures but as well as the greatest dangers that have led many over thousands of years off course from the “true kingdom of God Gospel message. Well meaning and sincere saints of God who started out well bringing forth the truth of God have been diverted by strange and new doctrines that arise with “greater revelations” that seem to come forth. I have noticed in some of the articles that are being written new age terms and buzzwords and emphasis that seems to be included in the new teachings of the Kingdom of God. The argument can be made just because someone use the terminology wrong doesn’t mean it can’t be used. But for me what will make the terms wrong is the “destination” they bring. Our Oneness with God which is now being taught in the Kingdom age message needs to be clear that the oneness with God is not sameness or equality with God. Though the GodHead of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are three in one and equal, the Son is subject to the Father, the Holy Spirit to the Father and Son and in that subjection there is a complete unity of the Godhead. This is the same “oneness” that Paul writes about the union of a man and a woman as Husband and wife. No one can assert that that a husband and wife are completely the same in God’s design or plan. The word of God says, Husbands love your wife as Christ loves the church and gave Himself up for her. It also says, wives submit to your husbands as the church submits to Christ. At the end of the passage, Paul writes, “This is the mystery of Christ and His church.” What I am beginning to hear in some of the articles and post is a pointing to “equality with God.” That is where “new age” teachings desire to bring you. There desire is for us to see our “Godness” They even use the scripture that we are “little Gods”, but they are totally deceived in their understanding of God. If we are not careful our desire to understand “Christ in us” could lead us down a deceptive road of “being Christ Himself.” I hear the undertones of this in some of the post already. The word of God says, “as He is in the world so are we” but none of us WILL EVER BE HIM! Words like spirit being and we beginning to see our limitlessness of God in us so we can begin to walk “limitless, “are terms the New Age movement uses often. They want us to “unlock our Godness” to the world. I want to encourage everyone to make sure whatever is coming forth of the Kingdom of God does not bring us into equality with God as God. I do not question any of the writers motives and do not feel anyone is trying to bring anyone down that road deliberately. But there is a caution to be heard if we are open to hear it. I think whoever is writing must clearly make sure what they write has the “correct understanding fully” before they write it. A few of the articles probably needed to be held for a while so that there would not be confusion or push people down a road the Holy Spirit is not bringing them. I understand oneness with the Lord specially in the metaphorical language of a husband and wife, but I will never be my wife and she will never be me. We will never be Christ and always be Christ Bride. My apprehension in some of the teaching coming forth are the same that have led people like Hannah Hannard, Miles Monroe and others off course in the Kingdom theology. Beloved we must not come near putting ourselves on the same level ever as God. I had a well known prophetic woman well respected in the Northeast come to our church and speak. She began to talk about the Kingdom of God and began to talk about “how God selected us and made us a spirit before the foundation of the world. I mention this because this concept is now being brought forth in some of the articles I read. She then said, “God spoke to us about the creation of the world. He let us pick the colors of the trees, birds, sky, moon.” Another words we were there with God when he made everything. I knew this was false doctrine and I should have stopped her, cause it got worse from there, but I regarded her as a person instead of regarding the Lord. At the night service I told the church not to listen or agree with a word she said, but by then it was to late. When I spoke to Brother Wade Taylor about this, He rebuked me nicely and said, I should have sat her down right away and stopped her from teaching that heresy. He said, “I regarded persons more than God.” He was absolutely correct. I learned a valuable lesson and why I am speaking up now. I learned from Him where the scriptures or silent and don’t give us explanation, not to try to get answers from God there. They are silent for a reason and this may be the reason, that we trust God and His character no matter what. Now what is written has hidden manna in it, and there the Holy Spirit will reveal more and more to us as we seek God, but we must make sure what we have received lines up with the totality of scripture and not “fit our own emphasis.” That could be dangerous. There is a warning in Matthew 24 that we need to heed, 22 And if those days had not been shortened, no human being would endure and survive, but for the sake of the elect (God’s chosen ones) those days will be shortened. 23 If anyone says to you then, Behold, here is the Christ (the Messiah)! or, There He is!—do not believe it. 24 For false Christ’s and false prophets will arise, and they will show great signs and wonders so as to deceive and lead astray, if possible, even the elect (God’s chosen ones).25 See, I have warned you beforehand.” If we are not careful, the enemy can come with strong delusion even to the very elect. I want to share with you some quotes from New age teachers and their understanding of our “Godness and terms they use. In this manner we need to be cautious when using that same language in terms of the Kingdom of God. In one of the articles I read we were encouraged to test what was written, and that is what we must do. So let me compare a few statements side by side to show you my caution and check in the spirit. Spiritualist use the terms that are now being added to the Kingdom of God language. Here is a quote from Abraham HIcks a NEW AGE Spiritualist: “Your Inner Being feels no limit. So, anything that feels like limits is something that you have self-imposed.” We are not human beings striving to be Spiritual; we are already Spiritual Beings. Meaning, we existed in spiritual form before we were born into this physical world. First and foremost, we are eternal Souls. In the very quiet moments of our busy lives we can re-connect with this knowledge.” END OF NEW AGE QUOTE: Now contrast this with the following quote given as a teaching in an article on Open Heaven: There is a spiritual energy exerting itself upon His own, as the corporate expression of the Body of Christ is being felt individually and collectively. We are sensing newness - new understanding, new connection, new life - incredible change! We are transitioning from human beings, and its obvious limitations, to spirit beings (with Christ) where there is no limitation. Only in this state are we without spot or wrinkle – dead to self; alive to Him (in me). This is another quote form a new age website: THE CLEARING CENTER: BELOW IS A NEW AGE QUOTE: As Spiritual Beings, it is important for us to appreciate the value of learning and growing at the “Soul level.” If we miss this opportunity, we’ll discover we experience the same type of problem over and over again until we learn the loving lessons that are being presented to us. Though the life experience often feels otherwise, these lessons are always positive and are always for our growth and fulfillment to higher levels. At The Clearing we’ll show you how to view the challenges in your life as blessings and how, as you overcome them, you grow spiritually.” We are not human beings striving to be Spiritual; we are already Spiritual Beings. Meaning, we existed in spiritual form before we were born into this physical world. First and foremost, we are eternal Souls. In the very quiet moments of our busy lives we can re-connect with this knowledge.” Our Soul, that part of us that observes quietly behind what we do, think, believe and feel, existed before this human life and will continue to exist after our present physical life transitions. For each of us, our Soul is where unconditional love, unending forgivingness, compassion, harmony, peace and joy reside. Our Soul is a little piece of the Divine, here to experience this life and its lessons. We are, indeed, Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Love is the core nature of us all. We feel good when we give and receive love because this is the Spiritual thing to do. End of new age quote: Now contrast this with the following quote from an article on Open Heaven: As we awaken to the fact that we are spirits first, living in a physical body, formed before the foundation of the earth, then are we set to begin thinking spiritually – (Isaiah 55: 8,9). The mystery revealed is we live in a human body, placed upon planet earth for His Purpose. The word tells us we were known to God before the foundation of the earth. We are foreigners here. Stepping into our purpose will require our death (to self) that launches His Life. To escape the limitations of human thinking is to awaken to the hidden mysteries in the Book of Revelation. To think as a spirit being is to awaken to oneness with the Father, purpose on earth, and destiny. Pray today that you escape the limitations of your humanity, and step into the newness as a spirit being assigned to earth for just such a time as this. We are transitioning from human beings, and its obvious limitations, to spirit beings (with Christ) where there is no limitation. Only in this state are we without spot or wrinkle – dead to self; alive to Him (in me). The teaching that we spirit beings before the very foundation of the Earth is at the very seed that came from early Kingdom teaching that caused that Prophetess of God in the North East to teach at our church and others to declare we were with God at the formation of the world and he consulted us on how we like things and what color we like things. You may laugh at that and say that should be easy to discern as heresy. I assure it wasn’t for around that logic was scriptures and truths from the past that were dead on right incorporated with this teaching. I was a young Pastor and was trying to “eat the meat and spit out the bones.” But this bone wasn’t a bone it was utter deception. It was so subtle that only the “check of the Holy Spirit” in me kept say,ing “something is wrong here.” Another example: The quote from the Open Heaven article says: “pray today that you escape the limitation of your humanity and step into the newness as a spirit being is an extremely alarming choice of words because it is the core of New Age Religion. That is exactly what they do. They continue to look for out of body spiritual experience or get in contact with their God-Consciousness in them. Many of them have spirit guides that lead them when they astro-project out of their bodies, and even believe they have angelic visitations teaching them the word of God. I have seen and heard of this with my own eyes. I once had a man come to the church around the same time period and he was allowing his spirit to leave his body, and the Holy Spirit told me to warn him if he continued to do that God would judge him. He stopped immediately. After he came to my office and I confronted him. He was a graduate of Jimmy Swaggert University and told me that “he was becoming spiritual and a spirit being and in the service he was trying to speak to his spirit guides.” I told him that was witchcraft and evil and to repent. He cursed me basically and left and said he had a deeper light and understanding of spiritual things than I did. I use just a few examples here of where a truth not rightly understood, prematurely spoken, and without proper understanding can cause people to crossover from the Spirit to divination. I have found even more of these types of terms, phrases and emphasis in some others as well and it is all coming forth from the idea of the revelation of “Christ in us the Hope of Glory.” In one particular post we no longer are to see anything from spiritual warfare or what the enemy is doing, but all of these things happening being from the Lord to perfect us into a deeper spirituality. Yet, the Bible tells us to beware of the devils devices. It tells us that the devil goes around as a lion seeking those he wishes to devour. We are taught to pray to “be led not into temptation and be delivered from evil. We are called to pray psalm 91 as our protection and put on the full armor of God, yet the teaching coming forth is we can “ignore all that now” because of Christ in us the hope of Glory.” All I am saying is that we may need to take a deep breath and truly weigh our words and writings on what is being revealed and not premature in speaking them. I understand if we prophesy them over and over they will come into existence, but that works in the negative as well. As a man thinketh so is he. We should not just declare or preach a revelation without correct understanding and timing. Perhaps some qualifier sentences are needed. Like “our oneness with God never makes us God or equal to God, but we can become one in aim, purpose and heart with him as a bride with her bridegroom.” Perhaps staying away from the terms “spirit beings” since that is a term laced in new age and the occult should be considered. The occult want to separate the soul from the body and focus on being “spirit beings” that transcend the flesh. They teach astro-projection, out of body experiences and the premise is that we are “spirit beings” and we can come out of the confines of our bodies to truly live our life in God who is love? Is that what the Gospel teaches us? Yes, this body is corruptible, but we are going to be clothed with a new one made of incorruptible glory. Jesus did not go back to just begin a “spirit being” He came back and had flesh and bones thatThomas could touch. Jesus told John the Beloved in His Revelation of Christ in chapter 1 had Jesus put His hand on him. So there was still a body for Jesus. There needs to come forth further clarity on what is meant by “spirit beings.” The truth is that we are becoming “spiritual” instead of carnal. Spirit led instead of flesh led.” That is true. The spirit of God is leading the Sons of God as the Word of God says, but when we talk about limitless authority and power in us we are in grave danger if that is where this is all going. What deceived the greatest of all angels to usurp His authority over God? Lucifer began to believe He was equal with God and Limitless. He eventually believed he could establish his throne over God and be worshipped above God and led a rebellion against God Himself.” He basically declared himself to be God? That is where the New Age movement is trying to bring mankind to declare they are God Himself? Or one with God, equal in every way with his divine nature. Beloved, Lucifer was the greatest of all angels, next to Gods glory he would have been closest to the limitless God. So much it began to tempt him to believe, He was equal with God and had the same limitless power, and then he decides to ascend his throne above God. This is the deception of the ages. That someone is equal to God in limitless power and authority. Is Gods power limitless in us if He desires? Yes, but that act of power has a beginning and and end through the vessel he uses. It is very dangerous to begin to point mankind to our limitless in our existence in God. Yes we are immortal. Yes, our spirit will live with the Lord or in the lake of fire forever and ever, but the power of any limitless exist in God alone. I wrote the other day the Word of God says, In Him we live, and move and have our being. It does not say, In us He live and moves and has His being. That is where the new age movement will take you, to your place in Godness. In North Carolina the Lord so clearly spoke to me: Henry which is most important Christ in you, or you being in Christ. I knew then He was telling me that we must not put an over-emphasis on who we are but who He is and It is in him we live and move and have our being. For if we do we will be open to great deception. We who are embracing the Kingdom of God no matter how much revelation we have cant cross that line of having equality with God as oneness. Right now, many would say, I am not doing that. No one is intentionally doing that a well, but what you may not see or discern, is the thread of that seed is in the words and terminology now bring brought into the Kingdom age revelation and teaching. Here is where the deception could begin: To escape the limitations of human thinking is to awaken to the hidden mysteries in the Book of Revelation. To think as a spirit being is to awaken to oneness with the Father, purpose on earth, and destiny. Pray today that you escape the limitations of your humanity, and step into the newness as a spirit being assigned to earth for just such a time as this.We are transitioning from human beings, and its obvious limitations, to spirit beings (with Christ) where there is no limitation. Hannard Hannard wrote so deeply about love her whole life. Her early books are classics to the Christian life, yet she got deceived by the very love she was declaring and basically came to believe in universal love. Jesus died for everyone. His love covers our sins, we are all forgiven and now all children of God with no need to repent and turn to God. How could that wonderful woman of God end up preaching and living against what she taught. She believed she was continually getting deeper and deeper revelations of the Kingdom of Gods love, yet those very revelations took her astray. We must be so careful to rightly discern the Word of God. Wade Taylor taught me not to go beyond the Word of God, and where the scriptures are silent on something that is by Gods design. In the conclusion of the Open Heaven Article titled: the author writes the following: As we awaken to the fact that we are spirits first, living in a physical body, formed before the foundation of the earth, then are we set to begin thinking spiritually – (Isaiah 55: 8,9). The mystery revealed is we live in a human body, placed upon planet earth for His Purpose. The word tells us we were known to God before the foundation of the earth. We are foreigners here. Stepping into our purpose will require our death (to self) that launches His Life. To escape the limitations of human thinking is to awaken to the hidden mysteries in the Book of Revelation. To think as a spirit being is to awaken to oneness with the Father, purpose on earth, and destiny. Pray today that you escape the limitations of your humanity, and step into the newness as a spirit being assigned to earth for just such a time as this. Beloved, to me, that line of thought without further clarity to where that will lead believers is a very concerning to me. It is one that is so closely correlated with New Age Religion that it could really cause someone to stumble. It is also a teaching if not checked now to make sure we truly articulate the heart of God correctly at what is unfolding now as He is changing us from glory to glory, this teaching could lead the teacher astray as well as lead many others astray from the very Kingdom of God we are all entering unknowingly. Why? Read the following quote from a NEW AGE CENTER about the same topic and see why we must be cautious to what we are write, what we are seeing and saying: NEW AGE TEACHING QUOTE: “Spiritual Psychology is founded on the principle that we are each Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Sit with this statement for a moment and it becomes self-evident. We are not human beings striving to be Spiritual; we are already Spiritual Beings. Meaning, we existed in spiritual form before we were born into this physical world. First and foremost, we are eternal Souls. In the very quiet moments of our busy lives we can re-connect with this knowledge. Our Soul, that part of us that observes quietly behind what we do, think, believe and feel, existed before this human life and will continue to exist after our present physical life transitions. For each of us, our Soul is where unconditional love, unending forgivingness, compassion, harmony, peace and joy reside. Our Soul is a little piece of the Divine, here to experience this life and its lessons. We are, indeed, Spiritual Beings having a human experience. Again contrast this with the following: Open Heaven Quote: As we awaken to the fact that we are spirits first, living in a physical body, formed before the foundation of the earth, then are we set to begin thinking spiritually – (Isaiah 55: 8,9). The mystery revealed is we live in a human body, placed upon planet earth for His Purpose. The word tells us we were known to God before the foundation of the earth. To escape the limitations of human thinking is to awaken to the hidden mysteries in the Book of Revelation. To think as a spirit being is to awaken to oneness with the Father, purpose on earth, and destiny. Pray today that you escape the limitations of your humanity, and step into the newness as a spirit being assigned to earth for just such a time as this. Beloved, This wording is to close to the edge for me. It is at the border line where witchcraft and divination are waiting to lead many astray. There is another side of the coin in that wording for to escape the limitations of human thinking also can be an awakening to the hidden mysteries of darkness, witchcraft and rebellions as well. This articles written in Open heaven about this and the reality of love are well intended to help us get closer to God. It’s authors are mighty Men and Women of God Himself with much insight and love. I am not speaking against any of the Kingdom of God teaching that has come up to now, but a new infiltration of deception is trying to come upon God’s people. But because it is written and because spiritual people agree with it even those of repute, does not negate us of our spiritual right from God to discern what is and what is not from God. In one article we were asked to “test this.” So that is what God is having me do by writing this article. Quote from the article on Open heaven: We are sensing the mystery being revealed - oneness between the Head and the Body. Test this. There is a spiritual energy exerting itself upon His own, as the corporate expression of the Body of Christ is being felt individually and collectively. I issue extreme caution as many of the kingdom minded people bring forth new revelations from the Word of God about what is to come. I encourage us not to go where the scriptures are silent as to what we were before the foundation of the world. I encourage us not to focus so much on Christ in us the Hope of Glory without the proper balance of who we are In Christ. In Him, we live and move and have our being. There is some great danger in the use of “new age” terminology that is dangerous and could lead young ones and even seasoned ones astray. Equality with God is not something even Jesus thought was something to grasp in Phil: 2 but he humbled himself and became a man and even more a slave to where God has given him the name that is above every name. Let us walk carefully in the unfolding Kingdom revelation and understanding and be not such in a hurry to “bring forth truth” or “revelation” without the correct understanding, timing and delivery and are you the one to bring it? Without some safe guards many could be hurt and led astray just as they are by the “new hyper grace message.” I have read and studied much teaching on Open Heaven and many of the books and they so bear witness with me and it is Kingdom truth, but in the most recent articles about “Christ in us, the Hope of Glory” I am sensing, seeing and hearing some questionable phrases and words that are steeply rooted in the New Age movement. We must turn from any associations with those words and the familiar spirits they bring with them. We must carefully articulate the voice of God clearly and make sure we make no agreement with the demonic powers that would lead Gods people in believing they are equal with God! To he that has an ear let him hear what the Spirit of God says to the churches.
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 04:19:30 +0000

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