Braxton Hicks contractions: Are infrequent, and usually happen no - TopicsExpress


Braxton Hicks contractions: Are infrequent, and usually happen no more than once or twice an hour, a few times a day. Often stop if you change activity. So walk about if youve been sitting, and sit down if youve been on your feet for a while. Are usually irregular, or if they are regular, only stay that way for a short spell. Dont last long, usually less than a minute. Continue to be unpredictable and non-rhythmic. Dont increase in intensity. COMPARED with Braxton Hicks, labour contractions are: noticeably, and increasingly, longer more regular more frequent more painful increase in frequency and intensity Prelabour is when Braxton Hicks contractions may come more rhythmically, perhaps every 10 minutes to 20 minutes in late pregnancy. Prelabour can be hard to tell APART from early labour, particularly if the tightening of your uterus feels uncomfortable. During prelabour your cervix wont have started to open yet. Your midwife will be able to tell by carrying out a vaginal examination. Try to welcome prelabour tightenings and discomfort. Its an encouraging sign that your cervix is ripening and changing, and that things are moving in the right direction. What if Braxton Hicks contractions become painful? As your pregnancy progresses, these contractions may become more intense, and even painful at times. When this happens, they may feel like the real thing. But however strong they feel at the time, if they ease off, they are probably Braxton Hicks. Try to think of Braxton Hicks as practice contractions that help you to rehearse the breathing exercises youll learn in your antenatal class. Try concentrating on your out-breath when you have a Braxton Hicks contraction, breathing out long and slow. See our relaxation podcasts for advice about breathing in labour. You may notice that Braxton Hicks contractions come more often when you do some light activity, such as CARRYING BAGS. If you feel discomfort, it sometimes helps to lie down, or to take a walk. Its the change in activity that can help to ease pain. A warm bath sometimes helps, too. When should I call my doctor or midwife? If you are less than 37 weeks pregnant, call your doctor or midwife if you also have: watery discharge or bloody vaginal discharge LOWER BACK PAIN or cramping pelvic pressure These are signs that you may be going into premature labour. After 37 weeks, call your doctor or midwife if: You think your babys movements have slowed down or stopped. You think your waters have broken. You have any bleeding. If your contractions become longer, stronger, more regular and more frequent, your labour may be starting. Your doctor or midwife will probably have talked to you about what to do when you think labour has started. But if youre in any doubt, give her or the hospital delivery suite a call.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Nov 2014 11:45:00 +0000

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