CHALLENGE ALERT CHALLENGE ALERT CHALLENGE ALERT You want results? You want to get the most out of your workouts? You want to reach the highest summit? Guess what? You have to work for it and you have to work hard. There is no half ass effort, there is no skipping workouts because your not up to it, there are no short cuts and there are no excuses. Its not the program, its not the people around you and its not the food. Its you and only you that is holding you back. You have the choice to forge ahead by working hard, making good choices and either the people around you support you or you distance yourself from them. This shit is too simple. Now today and everyday, you need to make the decision to work hard, be consistent, make good choices and stop making excuses. Heres a little challenge for you (you can thank my wife for this). Mark your calendar starting today and do 50 body weight squats everyday. I dont care if you are a 50lb weakling or you can squat the house, do this. The form is simple, keep the weight in your heels, your upper body should be as straight as possible and at the bottom you should be slightly below parallel to the floor (or at least thats your goal). If you touch the floor with your fingertips you should be very close, if your not sure do the squats in front of the mirror. Comment below if you are game enough to accept the challenge. I will be checking in from time to time on your progress. Yes, I am doing the same challenge. At the end of 30 days I will reveal why this challenge is so important. Share this challenge with a friend as it has many benefits even above and beyond the physical aspect. Have a great Friday and weekend. Stay intense my YAR friends...stay intense.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 08:35:13 +0000

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