CHICKENS...SPECIFICALLY CHICKS I have NEVER - never EVER - had - TopicsExpress


CHICKENS...SPECIFICALLY CHICKS I have NEVER - never EVER - had such an unruly mob (in this case FIVE constitutes a mob) - of such diligently contrite itty bitty hatchlings as this latest clutch offering from the lovely Rosalita... These FIVE little darlings put Harry Houdini to shame with their ESCAPE ARTIST(s) escapades... And its NOT like their indoor & outdoor enclosures are bitty chick chambers of horror...On the contrary!! The in the garage habitat is full of woodchips they can sritch/scratch around in; the food source ample & the water clean...A cozy little nest in which to rest - none of the previous clutch complained. But this MOB - they, of course WANT OUT! &how on Earth they accomplished this feat remains a mystery to be solved as the in is finely wrapped in the smallest chicken wire Ive found to date - & there are no gaping holes! Naturally once out - they hop & cheep sending poor Rosalita into Mother Hen panic. And naturally the HOARDE isnt about to give away their escape route. The cats all concur - dont eatm, theyre crazy... I triple checked the outside chicklet nursery - went over it a fourth time - just to be without a doubt absolutely positively 110% certain - THERE WAS NO CONCEIVABLE ESCAPE - even by these tiny feathered outlaws... I was completely satisfied with the enclosure - heck, I myself would relish a day spent there, what with all the insects the flowers brought to feast on - the wisteria climbing the structure to bring shade! Again with the ample crumbles & fresh water the human provided...yeah, nice - & ohh yeah!!! All that dirt to scratch around in - the tiny chick wallows to dust like mother hen instinctively taught m to do... I took a chair and sat to watch the antics of not yet a week old- FIVE PRE..CIO..USSsss HEY THERES ONLY 3...whered they go???!!! Those rotten little fowl!!! There they were - all ( 5 ) - digging their way to China...or as they call it - FREEDOM
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 20:14:59 +0000

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