CONCEAL ENTRANCE: I asked why? How stupid could one be to conceal - TopicsExpress


CONCEAL ENTRANCE: I asked why? How stupid could one be to conceal an entrance? Whats the point?. Hijacking Hot Spot! Now they come in different temperatures? Detour Ahead: Should it be behind? Would it kill them just to say Detour Why are they so obvious? Do they think we are a nation of nincompoops? (I suspect that the South African National Road Agency are bent on insulting the collective intelligence of our citizens). NO ENTRY: Why is there a path leading in that direction if there is no entry. Is somebody trying to confuse me here?. WELCOME TO KZN BUT BEHAVE YOURSELF: What attitude! Did somebody get an attitude tender from the Department of Transport? And who else can I Behave even if I tried? What are they going to do? Behave me if I dont behave myself?. WATCH OUT FOR HIPPOPOTAMUSES: Are you serious? On a national road! Is this country one big zoo? Why dont they take the damn hippo off the road and put it safely in a game park where it belongs. And take that stupid sign with them while they are at it. POT-HOLES AHEAD! Fix the damn pot-holes and shut up. Okay! Are they the commentators or fixers? Surely it takes the same resources to erect the stupid sign as it does to fix the pot-hole? TOLL PLAZA AHEAD! I am depressed! Are you happy? DRIVE CAREFULLY! Only here? SPEED LIMIT 120: Now u must be kidding. Why would I buy a nissan 350z if I wanted to drive 120 km per hour? Besides I have a blind date one hundred kilometres away in 30 minutes. As an affirmative lover shouldnt I be allowed to bend the rules just a little bit? DRIVE SLOWLY MEN AT WORK! What does this mean? If the men are loitering or partying or just hanging, I dont have to drive carefully? Can I hit them because they are not at work? What if they are unemployed? Do I have a licence to kill the unemployed,the men out of work?...
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 14:35:06 +0000

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