CONNECTED COSPLAY: SPOTLIGHTING COSPLAYERS WITH TALENT FROM AROUND THE WORLD! From Los Angeles, USA... Name: PonPon Location: Los Angeles, CA Occupation: Special Education Website: Facebook: facebook/MantouCosplay tumblr: tumblr/Mantou-Cosplay deviantart: super-tofu.deviantart Credits: facebook/tandymakesthings riefuhaiba.tumblr flickr/jedi_dark_knight flickr/seijei and as watermarked on images When and how did you get started in Cosplay? -I went to my first convention back in 2006 and was so mindblown by all the cosplayers and the feeling of the community there. It looked so fun and naturally I always loved dressing up as a kid, so cosplaying felt like the next level up, haha. The best part was I could be my favorite characters. I didnt start cosplaying until I think 2009. That was because after attending conventions for 2 years, I thought to myself there was no way I was going to miss out on cosplaying. What was your first Cosplay? -Alice from Pandora Hearts, a cosplay that will always be near and dear to me. What was the most difficult character? -Character wise, probably Metis from Persona 3 FES because Im not good at being dark and more straight faced. Costume wise, Im more of a propmaker and Fuus sword from Magic Knight Rayearth was the most difficult to make, it even broke in the process! And I had to get help from my friend, too. What characters are you planning for the future? -Too many...haha. My friends and I are planning a huge Fire Emblem Awakening group and theres also Final Fantasy that might be in the future. Everything else Im keeping under wraps for now~ What are you listening to? -Im into kpop, though not as much recently. I love listening to SHINee, Big Bang and Infinite though! Favorite Movies? -Mulan, Avengers, Studio Ghibli films, and I know there are more but I cant think of them currently. Favorite Animes? -FMA: Brotherhood, Katekyo Hitman Reborn, Sailor Moon, and Card captor Sakura, Senyuu and Ouran Highschool Host club to name a few! Favorite TV Shows? -Running Man (Korean variety show), Young Justice, Big Bang Theory, Modern Family, and Im currently watching Flash and really enjoying it. Books? -I like murder mysteries and First to Die by James Patternson is one of my favorites. For manga, my absolute favorite is Akagami no Shirayukihime. I also like Shingeki no Koujin, Fairy Tail, and Last Game. Games? -The Kingdom Hearts series, Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mario Karts. Beverage? -Oolong Milk tea or plain Iced lemon tea. Junk Food? -Hot cheetos is my kryptonite. Ice cream? -Lychee, green tea and vanilla with oreos are my favorites. What was your favorite toy growing up? -I had so many! Probably my stuffed dog; I used to pretend it was real until I actually got dogs. Who is your biggest character crush and why? -UHM. Probably Makoto from Free! because that boy is adorable and so sweet. You are on a bridge connected to two mountains. Youu walk to the middle of the bridge and see ARMED WARRIOR GHOULS waiting for you. On the other side of the bridge there are LIZARD MUTANTS with machine guns. What character would you want to be and how would you handle the situation? -Yang Xiao Long from RWBY because come on, shell kick all their butts with a smile on her face. If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do? -Shirayuki from Akagami no Shirayukihime because shes so boss and I always wanted to live in a time like the manga. I would want to learn how to sword fight, heh. What advice would you give to people getting started in Cosplay? -Just have fun! Thats what cosplay is all about. Dont get too caught up in being perfect because thatll just take the fun out of it. Also, dont be afraid to start cosplaying. Everyone starts somewhere and truly enjoy who you are cosplaying. And this is pretty much impossible for every cosplayer, but try not to procrastinate too much, hahahahha
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 19:19:14 +0000

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