CORDS PLEBISCITE CALL IS NONSENSE AND BALDERDASH... A DESPERATE CRY FOR ATTENTION... When the CORD brigade took their referendum campaigns to Eastleigh in Nairobi yesterday, they cleared the air on what their true mission was; - A strategy aimed at reviving their deadwood’s wobbling political fortunes to make him relevant again and breath life into his dim hopes to occupy the house on the hill. Indeed, only the spectacular and the high octane political paroxysm that we are now seeing can assure Raila of the kind of attention he was used to, and the possibility to displace, even if momentarily, other significant political players from the public imagination- the reason why Kenyans should brace themselves for seasons of never-ending politicking. CORD is just scheming about taking power and the referendum is their only card to save Raila from political oblivion. They are desperately looking for quick short-term political points before 2017. What we witnessed was CORD’s top leadership strategy at ascertaining and affirming its relevance before the 2017 elections than addressing the actual needs of wananchi. Listen to what they told Eastleigh residents.... ORENGO: “You must ensure that you give your signatures because, once we win in the referendum, that will herald Mr Odinga’s entry into State House.” Muthama said if Cord wins the referendum the coalition will immediately call for elections to remove the Jubliee government from power. Suna East MP Junet Mohammed echoed the same sentiments when he said in swahili: manataka tuendelee na serikali kama hiyo ( Do you want to continue with the same government?) This explains why the referendum campaign is being led and championed by political novices who are unsure of their electability... Those who are only good at hanging at Railas wings and are experts in riding on euphoric waves for relevance.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 05:46:40 +0000

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