Cause were TAKING BACK doing something LIKE A GIRL for the - TopicsExpress


Cause were TAKING BACK doing something LIKE A GIRL for the powerful sentence it actually is- repeat after me for all our daughters: { --->Full post here: lisajobaker/2014/11/when-did-doing-something-like-a-girl-become-an-insult/ } My darling daughter, When you run like a girl I see your strength. I see determination. I see grit and joy and delight at the speed of your strong knees. So go ahead and run like a girl. Go ahead and wear pink and ribbons or jeans and sneakers. Go ahead and wear ‘em all. Go ahead and keep up with your brothers, steal their basketball, sneak a determined, missed shot at the basket. Go ahead and chug that milk, go ahead and fling yourself wildly between the sofas. Go ahead and cry like a girl, daughter. Let your tears speak, learn to listen to them. Don’t be afraid to feel your feelings. Go ahead and eat, daughter. Full, hearty helpings of mashed potatoes piled high, your tiny fingers dipping into them. Steak, salad, spaghetti or stroganoff – go ahead and eat like a girl. Go ahead and cook alongside me, stirring, mixing, helping, tasting, whirling my kitchen into a mess made for two. Go ahead and sing daughter, off key and out loud. In your bed and in the living room. In church and at the park. Go ahead and sing. Go ahead and run, climb, wrestle, ride, and bike like a girl. In shorts or jeans or skirts with leggings, go ahead and be free. Go ahead and snuggle your daddy. Go ahead and kiss your brothers. Go ahead and let your feelings out, daughter. Hand me your sadness, your heaping, helpings of joy, your curiosity. I won’t drop it. Go ahead and laugh like a girl. Unrestrained, full, belly laughs. Snort if you have to. Laugh with your whole body, don’t hide any of your wild happiness. Go ahead and swing, daughter, feet reaching for the sky. Ache and push and pull and arch and fly a little higher like a girl. Go ahead and climb, daughter. The jungle gym, the slide, your company’s ladder, that mountain top, the back of a South African elephant. Go ahead and climb high. Go ahead and love, daughter. Fully, arms open, heart exposed, go ahead and love extravagantly. Go ahead and forgive, go ahead and show grace, go ahead and don’t be afraid to say sorry like a girl. Go ahead and explore daughter. Find your way in the world. Go ahead and just say, “no” like a girl. And mean it. And stick to it. Go ahead and race, run till the breath comes out of you in gulps, feel how strong your legs are. Go ahead and run. Go ahead and play house, love your babies, rock your dolls to sleep like a girl. Go ahead and be overwhelmed by wonder. Open your eyes wide. Point, research, be awed and amazed. Go ahead and think like a girl. Go ahead and embrace the wonder of you. The beauty of womanhood, the gift of being a girl. Because you are. All gift to me. And I wont hold you back for anything. Were cheering for you to take this world by storm -- just exactly like the uniquely created girl you are.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 02:00:00 +0000

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