Cciormar Laurette Airboh: “AM I MOVING TOO FAST?” It’s - TopicsExpress


Cciormar Laurette Airboh: “AM I MOVING TOO FAST?” It’s merely been a week since you started dating, and this charming guy is making your head blow! You’ve got him crowding your Facebook statuses, enjoying some cheap publicity on your BBM updates, and his face is the customized profile photo of all the social channels you subscribe to. In just 8 Careless weeks he already has access to your emails, passwords and text messages; he’s kissing, hugging and having his body all over you; Prince charming now decides the parties you attend and the company of friends you should keep; he has you asking his permission for everything; you’re talking about him with your friends and everyone in your inner cycle; mom knows, dad knows, your pastor knows, and you are making urgent efforts to meet his friends and family members as soon as possible. I know the first few months of that relationship has been one of the best experiences you’ve had in a very long while, you’ve idealized and painted beautiful pictures of how that special person is the sweetest, funniest, caring and coolest you’ve ever met. And you believe this one’s going to be different from all the other lovers you have dated in the past, he’s so cute and unique, and you’re getting those butterfly feelings that you could marry him right now if he falls on his knees and ask you sweetly. Ah! Slowdown dearest! That is not the right way to love. The early stages of a relationship is the most confusing and deceitful, your partner can move Mount Everest for you, roll under a moving train, and do everything to impress you, but all that love razzmatazz last only for as long as the stars twinkle. In no time everything fades away and the real character behind the mask begins to show its ugly face. If you Rush things too quickly you’ll give yourself no room to see his faults and shortcomings, and without a perfect understanding of his dark sides how can you tell if you two are compatible? oh boy! I do not know if am talking to somebody out there, the reason why you are moving too fast has to do with how you feel about yourself, women who are bold and proud of the package they carry do not feel the need to rush a relationship because they do not have emotional holes they are looking to fill, but if your self-esteem is up today and down tomorrow, all you think about is moving that new relationship to a permanent site. Please do not conclude over a few act of love, kindness and generosity, give it some room to mature, allow time and pressure put the young love to test, gather enough information over a good period of time to determine if this ‘new romance’ has got any chances of survival, relax, let your partner show you all the sides of him, all the good and especially the bad, do not assume for him a personality you’ve created in your mind, do not carve his name on precious stones too quickly, if truly he is everything you have horridly painted of him, then time and patience will tell. STAY IN GOD’S GRACE!
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 11:25:22 +0000

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