Chapter III By Matthew Hardy The massive influx of refugees - TopicsExpress


Chapter III By Matthew Hardy The massive influx of refugees fleeing before the Yuuzhan Vong armada was taxing the Republic’s resources to the limit leap frogging from planet to planet. The base they settled at now was Duro. The planet’s surface had been polluted beyond supporting life. The native Duros lived on twenty large floating cities now. On the ground the Republic was experimenting with terraforming a portion of land on the surface to serve as a refugee base camp. It was a domed structure that cycled oxygen to breathe for the millions of refugees that were being sent to stay there. Master Leia Solo and Jedi Knight Domahall were sent there to help. They struck a deal with the Duros that the refugees sent to Duro would participate in this experimental terraforming project to try, and restore the planet’s surface to a habitable state. It was worth the risk to try anyway. Unfortunately the Yuuzhan Vong tended to not be far behind large masses of refugees. They needed blood sacrifices to appease their gods and slaves to tend to the Yuuzhan Vong young and perform other medial tasks. Leia knew that the Yuuzhan Vong would come soon. She knew Kalabra had fallen and a million more refugees were on the way. She knew her daughter Kira, had nearly died at Kalabra flying with the Rogues. They were on the way to Duro to drop her off and allow her time to recover from her injuries. Leia and Domahall made routine inspections of the camp and operations several times a day. They spoke with the lead scientist Dr. Mon Rona directing the operations on Duro. He was a tall bulky man with a deep nasally voice. Leia always seemed to feel uneasy around him, something seemed off about him but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. Leia assigned Domahall to keep an eye on him at all times when he was working. He too suspected something was odd about him and reported his activities to Leia whenever he could. For some reason it seemed like he was intentionally working slowly and delaying the project. The Bothan Assault Cruiser carrying Kira arrived the following day. She still couldn’t see with her eyes but using the Force she was getting better at finding her surroundings. Though the camp on Duro would take some time to get used to. Leia and Domahall met her and escorted Kira to the camp’s medical facilities. “Rest easy Kira, you’re fortunate to still be all in one piece.” Said Domahall. “All I ask is for something to eat, I’m starving.” Said Kira. “I’ll see what I can dig up.” Replied Domahall. “Anything but the emergency ration bars!” shouted Kira to him. “Damn it.” He snickered as he left leaving Leia and Kira alone to talk. “How many lives do you have?” said Leia. “This is the second time you’ve gone E.V. and lived to tell the tale.” She added. “Wasn’t my fault this time…” she paused… “Actually it is,” she remanded her statement. “I was too close to the Cruiser when it blew up and damaged my fighter.” “Well, that’s good you admit your mistakes. I hope you learn to apply that knowledge as you complete your training. You must learn to trust your instincts, so that when the time comes when you are put in command of others. You know the risks and consequences of your decisions.” Advised Leia. “I will try to do my best at that,” replied Kira. “Remember Do or Do not, there is no try Kira.” Reminded Leia. “Yes Mom you’re right.” Said Kira. Domahall returned with a couple of bowls of Nerf Tip Stew for them. “Best I can do for now. Luckily you don’t have to look at the stuff as you eat it, Kira.” Said Domahall. “That’s comforting,” said Kira. “Thank you Domahall.” “Now if you’ll excuse me I have to go find and keep an eye on Dr. Rona” Said Domahall. “Okay Domahall, Thank you.” Said Leia. “Why is he keeping an eye on this Dr. Rona? Who is he?” Asked Kira. “He’s the head scientist leading the terraforming project here. There seems to be something off about him. The work has been slow and intentionally delayed.” Said Leia. “Describe him for me, I may not be able to see him right now but can form a mental picture of him at least.” Said Kira. “Well, he is tall and heavily built and has a deep nasally voice.” Said Leia. “He’s human?” asked Kira. “I think so,” said Leia. “I don’t want to jump to conclusions but who do we know was going around the galaxy stirring up trouble before this war started? Said Kira. “You’re not suggesting he’s…” started Leia. “The agent. He is a Yuuzhan Vong Mom. Can you sense him in the Force? He may appear human but may be wearing a disguise.” Said Kira. “It makes sense they would send him here in preparation for an invasion.” Said Kira Gravely. Leia immediately picked up her comlink and called Domahall. “Domahall.” “Yes, Master Solo.” “Have you located Dr. Rona yet?” Asked Leia. “That is a negative. I can’t find him anywhere in camp and no one knows where he went either. Why is there a problem?” Said Domahall. “That is a problem Domahall. Kira suspects the doctor is the agent she saw on Adumar and tried to kill her on Dubrillion.” Said Leia. “She thinks he’s a Vong!” Exclaimed Domahall. “Yes we need to find him.” Said Leia. “It’s not going to be easy Master. If he can’t be sensed in the Force, it will be really hard to find him.” Said Domahall. “Well, we scout the entire camp again and when you find him try to sense his presence in the Force. That will be our answer and we will need to try and arrest him.” Ordered Leia. “There’s that word try again.” Giggled Kira. “Alright Domahall I’ll put a team together to help find him. The two of us searching will hopefully turn up something quicker that way.” Said Leia. “Keep an open comm and contact me immediately if you see him.” “Yes, Master Solo. I will do that.” Replied Domahall. Leia turned to Kira. “Well duty calls. We never do get more than five minutes together do we?” “I’ll be here when you get back. Be careful. Do not underestimate him.” Warned Kira. “When did you become the master?” said Leia. “Someday,” said Kira smiling. “I’m posting Chewie and a couple guards outside while I’m gone. Keep your comlink close in case the doctor comes around here while I’m out.” Said Leia. “But Mom…” Said Kira. “Don’t worry Chewie can handle keeping an eye out for you for the time being. He still owes his life debt to us you know.” Said Leia. “Okay Mom, May the Force be with you.” Said Kira. Nom Anor pulled off his oolgith cloaker he’d been using to disguise himself and pulled out his villip to contact his superiors. He went straight to Warmaster Tasvong Lah. “Great Warmaster, our plans have gone flawlessly here. This world is ready for taking.” Reported Anor. “Good Executor. See that things stay that way. Is there a Jeedii presence on the planet?” Asked Lah. “Pwi, Warmaster. Three I know of. The young violet blade, her mother, former chief of state Leia Solo, and another Jedi I don’t know well. But, he is always watching me closely.” Informed the Executor. “Be careful to not reveal your identity to them Executor until the time is right.” Said Lah. “Bring me the young female Jeedii alive and unspoiled. You may kill the others should they identify you.” Ordered Lah. “It will be done Warmaster.” Replied Anor bowing to him. “Don’t fail me again, Executor!”
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 23:00:34 +0000

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