Citta di Castello (PG),Umbria, Italy. The original settlement was - TopicsExpress


Citta di Castello (PG),Umbria, Italy. The original settlement was founded by the Umbrians on the left bank of the Tiber River in the vicinity of the territory subject to the control of the Etruscans; starting from the III century b.c. , due to the Roman expansion, the city was federated to Rome and then it was inserted in the Regio VI Umbria. In the first century bc became a Roman municipium, referred patron more illustrious was Gaius Plinius Cecilio Second, said Pliny the Younger, which, as stated in his letter, erected a temple, completed in 103 or 104, of which you do not know the location. Certainly, The gens Plinia possessed vast latifundios in the vicinity of the city and a villa and mentioned several times by the same Pliny the Younger, in his letters; the excavations carried out by the University of Perugia in collaboration with the University of Alicante, in Colle Pliny in the town of San Giustino, Helped identify the location of the villa of Pliny the Younger. The city was called Tifernum Tiberinum Romans by the Romans, in order to distinguish it from the homonymous settlement Metauro, Romans Metaurense great hall, and it seems that assumed a discrete importance since it is mentioned by Pliny the Elder. You cannot, however, Rebuild with certainty the urban structure of the roman city; certainly, however, the most ancient part of the city corresponds to the southern zone, where, in the district called Mattonata di, have been found some mosaics, remains of hydraulic structures and a portion of the wall of what in all probability was to be an amphitheatre. Middle Ages uncertain, and the dating of the spread of Christianity, which is attributed by tradition to San Crescentino or Crescenziano, who lived between the III and IV century, who was martyred as a result of a judgment in Romans. The first bishop of Romans Tifernum Tiberinum, Eubodio, and documented in the year 465.Secondo tradition, the city was destroyed in the VI century by the goto Totila and subsequently rebuilt by bishop flourishing, then sanctified, and proclaimed the patron saint of the city. The city was then conquered by the Lombards and called Castrum Felicitatis, then move under the dominion of the Franks first and of the State of the Church then. Around 1100 was organized in common, and was threatened by the demands of the Empire, of the State of the Church, of Florence and Perugia. In the first half of 1200 it was called Civitas Castles and, despite the fact that the rivalry between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines nor poor often endangering the freedom, could equally enjoy prosperity. In this period buy independence the Borgo Sansepolcro, built at the beginning of the XI century around the eponymous monastery in suburbs of Città di Castello, and developed as autonomous municipality between the XII and XIII centuries. Administratively the location of the city remains rather indefinite. While engaged in the lands of the Church from the VIII century, still in 1312 is claimed by the emperor Henry VII as part of the empire, together with the neighboring, and daughter, Sansepolcro. In the state of the Church in 1306 is beginning to build up the church of the Servants of Mary, then call of Santa Maria delle Grazie, became in time marian shrine citizen. In the second half of the XIV century it became greater than the influence exerted by Perugia, until in 1367 it was brought back under the State of the Church by cardinal Albornoz. In the next year 1368, Brancaleone Guelfucci lifted up the citizenship and rioted; however, the people tifernate regained his freedom only in 1375, thanks to the intervention of the Florentines. In 1422 Pope Martin V entrusted the town to condottiere Braccio Fortebraccio da Montone, whose family held the domain until 1440, the year in which he began the struggle for the conquest of power between the various families, among which the calves, the Fucci and Tartarini. Initially one witnessed an oligarchy formed from calves, Giustini and Fucci, then move on to the domain of only calves, which killed the Fucci and did escape the Giustini. Subsequently, were followed by periods of strong rivalry which saw also the involvement of Pope Sixtus IV and a long siege of the city headed by Nicholas calves. However, as a result of changing fortunes, the domain was finally taken from calves that came at the head of the city Paolo Vitelli and Vitellozzo Vitelli Vitelli.Quest last, as it is known, was killed by Cesare Borgia, said the Valentino, in a plot of Senigallia (1502). The Valentino was proclaimed duke of the city and he kept the domain for all the pontificate of Pope Alexander VI. Afterwards, until the end of the XVIII century, the town was subjected to the State of the Church, that imperial, however, the regency for a governor to the dependency of the roman brochure. The Vitelli family, the vicissitudes of the XV and XVI century, engraved greatly in economic development and political importance of the city. Family of patrons and commanders, very related to the Medici in Florence, embellished Città di Castello with many palaces in which they were called to work the major artists of the Renaissance, first among all Raphael Sanzio and Luca Signorelli. It was significant, in the sixteenth century, the Familiarisation of calves with the Rossi family of Parma: first calf, Then Alexander (after the death of his brother) married Angela Paola, sister of the conte di San According to Pier Maria the young and the Bishop of Pavia and (from 1551) governor of Rome Giovan Girolamo, cousin of the Duke of Florence Cosimo de Medici and sister Camilla Gonzaga
Posted on: Sat, 17 May 2014 04:42:04 +0000

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