Colorado. Man where do I even start. Maybe the time that I - TopicsExpress


Colorado. Man where do I even start. Maybe the time that I explored a sewer Tunnel system with John, and Peyton. Maybe the times that I spent longboarding with ChuFu, and Brendell, and even Victoria. Maybe I should mention the time I went to the movies with Kallie, and Dana, and Andrew Stephenson, when he and I freaked out about Smaug the Great. Maybe I should go way back to the first day of my High School life. Back to those few hours at Band Camp. The days when 4 people drug me out of the pit that Id become. When Gabriella, Julia, Maya, and Camilla all welcomed me into their lives. Showed me that I could be weird, funny, exciting and anything that I wanted. That I didnt have to care about what other people thought. Maybe I should look back at the days I spent thinking with Alex about what life might be like had something else happened. I could think back to the floods, to serving everyone I know with all my good friends, spending an afternoon with Lindsey, Roxann, and Alexander. If I thought back to that summer I see Riley, Jared McFarland, Craig Copple, Aaron Cheung, Dallin Keller, Tyler Wycoff, and a million others who went on high adventure with me. Maybe I should go farther, to my first real friend in Colorado, Shiloh Riley, who helped me get through a year of depression. I cant help but think back to an amazing prom with Krystle Lake Wright. Should I choose to remember The Group that all of us used to be in, Maddie, Emily, Alyssa, Michael, John, and Peyton and Patrick. Should I think back to honor choir with all my good choir buddies, Andrew, and Abby, Patrice, and Ethan. If I go back to treasured memories Ill think of a day spent on my back dosing in my trailer texting with Ashlie.A class that we all hated so much and suffered through every day, isnt that right Kaley, and Emily. A swamp that I sunk into in my idiocy with Hannah. A party with Erik. A band competition with Micah, Alissa, Jacob, Ben, Ian, Isaac, Hailey, Brady, Canaan, Gabriella, Aidan, Courtney, Pear, and even Josh Kirkwood. A day spent boating with Benito and the youth group. So many memories. So many lessons. Colorado has been three years long. But its taught me so much. Its taught me to be strong. To stiffen up my upper lip. To hold on, because it gets better. To play the game of life as another worthy person. Its taught me about my religion and what it means to me to be a Mormon. Colorado taught me what a storm really is. What hard work is. When I should close my mouth. When I should hug someone because I know they need it. It taught me that sometimes we lose people, not because of us but because of them. That those people can stay in our hearts, but not in our lives. Its taught me about music. About how much a song means to me. How a memory should be treasured. How to hold on to the beautiful moments. How to forget the ugly ones. How to sing. How to play my instrument. How to play a new one. How to deal with failure. How to be a graceful winner. How to sort my time. How to lose weight. How to love myself. How to shave. How to be human. Three years, an infinity of knowledge. Ill never forget. These memories will be held dear for the rest of my existence. The biggest thing Ive learned here is this. A smile is more powerful than a thousand words. A hug is as powerful as a hurricane. That the simplest sign of affection can make all the difference in a persons life. We all have a gift. For some thats being able to create a smile. For others its giving inspiration to create more smiles. Smile a little larger. Be a little better. Try a little harder. It only goes up.
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 14:10:38 +0000

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