Continued...(West Versus the East) Who shall correct the glaring - TopicsExpress


Continued...(West Versus the East) Who shall correct the glaring misconceptions amongst the world’s religions and in between the various sects and or denominations of the one and same religions? LOGOS can, but all leaders of Earth, both in the religious and the political have to actively play their due roles. Yet it would require people who truly understand religion and know the spiritual from head down to foot and vice versa. Many times have I told of orthodox religions (and even material science)having been put together upon the Mental plane in Kailash (City of Twelve Gates) and then lifted up to the top of the Physical Universe, by July 2001 ADE. This was in order to reconstitute the original, Spiritual Science stream of the Eternal Gospel Scriptures. There is nothing positive about orthodox religions warring against one another, and seemingly belittling material science, and vice versa. Just where did this chronic disease come from, of religion fighting religion, fighting material science and the political? Had there been no material science, this humanity might perhaps have long perished. Material science is anyway, the very foundation of the whole Physical plane. Material science is of western origin, basically, and religion is of the East, although with origin in the land of Afuraka. When the West and the East come together the human race shall evolve beyond, speculative, emotional religion of Mass-consciousness, and the un feeling material science with its heart in the Atom and its Simple Consciousness, to the far higher stream of Spiritual Science with its central attribute of Illumination and consequent Enlightenment of man. This fighting amongst us only testifies to the fact that we have not yet evolved enough as a root race and races to be called civilised. Throughout the Picean Neptunean era orthodox religions have concentrated on expanding the emotional essence of man, ahead and far more than the mental. This has been a lop-sided evolution of our race nearly completely without the mental for much needed balance. We rage, we love, we hate etc. We are complete victims of that which comes from or via the lower, physical plane emotions. Consequently, we are today faced with numerous problems—especially social ones, which no political or religious can and shall ever understand fully enough to effectively solve. We have evolved scientifically and emotionally, but little mentally and none at all spiritually. Human civilisation, have I often said, is a great wheel that turns clockwise. It picks up humanity to the peak Mental and then begins to descend. Without the Spiritual facet in the nature of humanity, we cannot stretch up enough to jump into the heavenly realms. We cannot even stay on the higher Mental region top of the Physical Universe of Spiritual Science and Cosmic Consciousness or Illumination attainment of old. So we fall. The Fall comes after a Rise, and we—humanity, are falling back—down, and I only hope we do not get down to near Animal consciousness level of the ancient Animal Kingdom before the birth of man. The problems that face humanity at present, are not something ordinary religion and the political alone (not even the scientist) can cope with. It requires Spiritual giants—yet given full co-operation of all humanity. I want humanity to Spiritualise! It is towards this end that LOGOS and the Cosmic Eagle and the Worlds’ Spiritual Masters and their Disciples and Pupils are trying to openly engage with humanity on all levels. Nobody wants to destroy any religion, but rather to empower them with the new methods of the new, Aquarian era in the final, Iron Age of Cosmic History. I can assure you, and I know and see what I am talking about, without full participation of the Spiritual beings in the current welfare of humanity, the future of Earth teeters upon the edge of total corruption and even near extinction of our race. All for our love of humanity and Earth, the ignorant and blind, shall continue, in protection and defence of their little comfort zones, to call us names. Yes, West Versus East should now be a thing of the past, for Religion (East) and material Science (West) have now since merged. YET the home of Spirituality (Religion) has (with the birth of the Cosmic Eagle Lord LOGOS ) long since shifted from Changier old centre of the now out-gone Cosmic Dove—Father Christ Lord Maitreya in the Himalayas, to Gabalado Monastery in Southern Africa. Love You All, M.C. (LOGOSOGO) Copyright: Sons of the Sun---LOGOS H.Q.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Aug 2013 06:48:14 +0000

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