Robert Chisolm wrote: Tom, Your words have carried far and - TopicsExpress


Robert Chisolm wrote: Tom, Your words have carried far and wide. Since my first reading of your words, you my friend have kept the passion, fire and the fight of our struggle against the illness of racism going, not just with me but all of whom I have shared your words with as well. The likes that you have not seen are there my friend. You have touched and awaken numerous individuals, who feel the same as you and want the same as you do. They want to help put an end to racism, as much as you do. The fight will continue against racism, as long as man is on this earth, and it is up to us to see that the torch is passed to those behind us! Our Forefathers fought this fight, and we are their heirs to this struggle, and only by our persistence will this fight and the destruction of racism end! The dream is still alive and its beginning has given way to the fruition of a Presidency. So my friend your efforts to inform and arouse those of us of like mind has not been in vain! May God continue to Bless you with the fire, passion and eloquence of the concern for that in which you speak of that awakens us all! Keep up the good work, with your words Tom, the world truly needs it
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 20:56:52 +0000

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