Crystal Share Rutilated Quartz like all types of quartz - TopicsExpress


Crystal Share Rutilated Quartz like all types of quartz crystal are strong amplifiers, and Rutile is also a strong amplifier. The sizzling power of the threads of rutile will bring through intense energy, and combined with the quartz create an amazing vibration. This process may stimulate your spiritual creativity, and your ability to manifest what you desire in your life, through the power of intention. These stones are powerful amplifiers of your thoughts, allowing you to make contact with the Divine mind and receive Divine inspiration, and this has the potential to activate your creativity. Where Does It Come From This type of quartz is found in a large number of locations throughout the world, although most of the Rutilated Quartz available comes from Madagascar or Brazil. Rutilated Quartz is a variety of quartz... with inclusions of Rutile within its being. But the Rutile inclusions may also be more red-brown, copper color, silver or black. Most pieces of Rutile are small needle like threads within the stone, and these are very powerful. Each color has different metaphysical properties, as each has a specific vibration... but all carry potent energy within the stones. Using the Power of Intention To Manifest This is a stone that has both the energy and amplification vibration of quartz within it... and the vibration of the Rutile... that also carries a strong amplification vibration. It is a powerful stone to use... as it may be programmed with your intentions. This may assist you to move your life forward more quickly in your desired direction, as thsi has a powerful action to aid manifestation. The threads of Rutile infuse your etheric body with Divine light... so they are powerful tools for healing. It will work within all of the chakras... but its energy works particularly well within the solar plexus... which is the seat of the will. It aids you to use this energy to manifest abundance and prosperity on all levels in your life. You will be aided to bring all the good things you desire into your life... and this of course includes manifesting money. How To Use It Doing a daily meditation is one of the most powerful ways to use this stone. Hold it in your hand as you meditate or wear it...., and at this time you may program your piece of this crystal with your intentions. It will help you to get in touch with your highest spiritual guidance, as you allow your imagination to flow. As you wear your Rutilated Quartz you will be flooded with energy... as it simply sizzles with something that may feel like an electrical current. One way to program it... is to allow yourself to imagine that you are entering the crystal... and just allow the stream of light and energy to flow. Boost your imagination and simply imagine you are placing the words into the stone. The mental clarity that the stone bestows will aid you ...if at first you simply sit with it and allow its energy to fill your being. Your intentions may be in the forms of words or you may simply feel what it is that you wish to instill into the crystal. If you wish to structure your words... you may decide to first write out an affirmation first that describes what it is that you really desire... as positive affirmations are powerful. As the words and feelings go into the stone it will be broadcast outwards... working like a television antenna into the field of pure potential to become reality. Keep your thoughts positive, and make the thoughts as clear and as detailed as possible... in order to manifest what you desire into reality. The energy of the rutile within the stone, has an extraordinary energy to help you cope. By wearing a Rutilated Quartz Pendant, it just seems to make life easier. Wearing it is an easy way to keep the energy within your auric field for the longest period of time. Rutilated quartz energizes the higher mind... as it is very powerful within all of the chakras from the heart chakra up. It will assist you to receive spiritual knowledge and guidance... to help you to gain concentration and mental clarity. We have only one available and it has an amethyst with it that intensfies the is set in silver and the lovely pendant is available now for free shipping if ordered by tonight. After you place the order, it will automatically charge the shipping but I will go back in and deduct it from your order....On the website it is advertised as fieldspar but it is the rutilated quartz. Click here...... mariashaw/#!product/prd1/1997130555/quartz-crystal-fieldspar
Posted on: Sat, 31 May 2014 23:41:35 +0000

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