DAILY MEDITATION on the Gospel of the day | 30 June 2014, Monday: - TopicsExpress


DAILY MEDITATION on the Gospel of the day | 30 June 2014, Monday: on.fb.me/1lI4oj8 REFLECTION: Do we ever question our motives for following Christ? Is it because we think there is some benefit to be had, that we will receive material blessings and be rewarded with a good life and be protected all the time? Or maybe, we think that some church leader or group is very popular and exciting and being part of the group makes us feel good? In todays reading, Jesus is challenging us to think about why we keep faith with Him, if at all. Are we ever prepared for God to take us where we may not want to go in our lives? Because following Him is to follow the Way of the Cross, it does not come with a money-back guarantee and an all-time insurance against hardships. On the contrary, it will be a tough fight. As followers of Christ, we often find ourselves forgetting to keep our eyes on our platoon leader up front in the march, and getting sidetracked by other engagements calling out to us along the way that are not necessarily helpful in building our faith and courage. Or we follow our sentimental feelings towards someone or something because we care about how people will think of us otherwise. Burying the dead is a work of mercy. Jesus is teaching that in pursuing holiness, we must sometimes discern at the crossroads of our lives, that honouring the wishes and desires of family members do not take priority over a greater calling. There is no competition or conflict here, nor is it choosing one over the other: The commandments still stand, and flow in the order of importance that we love God first, and also honour our parents in ordinary living. We must live in such a way that our actions will always make us love God more, and others will grow in love for God as well by our actions. PRAYER: Lord, let me experience the freedom You offer to those who follow You. Give me a light heart that I may learn to drop what I can no longer change and move on to Your next call for me. Let me recognise the signs You lay before me that will allow me to grow in strength and faith. Amen.
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 07:47:42 +0000

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