DEAR, ALL NIGERIAN POLITICAL CLASS AND THE VARIOUS POLITICAL LEADERSHIP - I BEG YOU ALL TO PLAY THE GAME BY THE RULES ! I am terribly ashamed and equally embarrassed by the way politics of impunity has now become the rule rather than the exception. The political game I see today is a game of Do or Die affairs. Its politics of hate, bitterness and wanton destruction of lives and properties. Its politics of substitution, imposition and sometimes crude, sometimes through scientific rigging. The sanctity of Nigerian voters votes have been wantomly desecrated and therefore do not count. All these are tools of destroying real democracy and Nigerian people are not being governed with their consent under normal democratic conditions. By this desecration of their votes, they lose their voice, their choice and indeed their power to install who they want to govern them. Another dimension to the unfortunate political situation is the way politics is being militarised, using security operatives on a partisan basis to achieve a partisan political agenda. Bringing the security operatives to act on partisan political agenda is very dangerous to the survival of democracy. It is not only innimical to its development but in fact could trancate it. As fall out of this dangerous partisanship, rule of law is in most cases sacrificed and observed in the breach. No corruption is becoming institutionalised, those who engage in it go unpunished and in some cases even celebrated. What is left is to formally legalise it by dis-criminalising it, just like the medical marijuana legalisation in Uruguay, South America. I urge our political class and those in political leadership, at all levels, to wake up and salvage whatever is left in this country before we lose even the country itself. I weep for my country and indeed most sad for being hopeless and helpless, as there is nothing I can do reverse this unfortunate situation or stop the rots that is decimating and killing my nation, sending most of the poor to their untimely graves. Violence in the northeast, northwest and north central is destroying my nation, my people and threatening to wipe away a whole generation. I hasten to say, violence never settle anything right apart from injuring your own soul. It injures the best cause, it lingers on long after the object of hate has disappeared from the scene, to plague the lives of those who have employed it against their foes. Our country is unfortunately built more around personalities than institutions or territory. That is why Nigeria is what it is today, because its leaders are not what they ought or should be. He who will not reason, is indeed nothing but a bigot, he who cannot, is a fool and he who dares not, will remain a slave. Today our rulers (sorry, I mean leaders) are not accountable to us for anything, because our votes do not count and they constitutionally, enjoy immunity against impunity. The way we are moving, we are sowing the seeds of future revolution and our leaders should not overlook history. They should know that those who ignite and start a revolution are usually not the ones who finish it. NIGERIAN POLITICS IS GETTING MESSIER AND MILITARISED AGAINST 2015 POLITICAL BATTLESHIP. THOSE WHO CANNOT WIN THROUGH THE BALLOT BOX, MAY USE BULLETS BOX TO CAPTURE POWER OR REMAIN IN POWER. WE MUST BE CAREFUL, WATCHFUL, CAUTIOUS AND PRAYERFUL, BECAUSE LIFE HAS NO DUPLICATE. MAY ALLAH SAVE MY PEOPLE MY COUNTRY NIGERIA, BECAUSE NIGERIA EQUALLY HAS NO TWIN OR DUPLICATE !
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 03:58:55 +0000

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