DEVIL I COMMAND U IN JESUS NAME GET BACK< FOR I SERVE ONLY THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND HIM ONLY DO I SERVE < BEARING THE CROSS OF CHRIST IS THE TRUE MARK OF A TRUE CHRISTIAN Now this apostasy has prevailed and spread over whole nations and countries, not a few, so that whole kingdoms have become Christians upon these latter terms, and God is greatly dishonored among us, and Christ the Holy One most horribly profaned. It is not so common among Heathens and infidels, to find people wronging and deceiving one another, and killing and destroying one another; and yet it is the practice of many that are called Christians. These are the fruits and effects of those latter times of Christianity. Now feeing it is thus, which no mortal man can deny, I have this question to ask, and I desire that you would seriously weigh it in your hearts and souls, both while you are together, and when you are separate one from another, whether it is not high time for all of us to return again to the first terms of Christianity, and to consider no man a Christian, whatever he professes, unless that person knows and witnesses that the long-suffering, and patience, and goodness of God, leads him to repentance; and unless that person has so much faith towards God, that for love to God, he will deny himself, and take up his cross, and be a follower of Jesus in that way and life he lived in. It is high time for all of us to return again to the terms of Christianity, that were set up by a higher authority than ever Antichrist had, and before Antichrist was revealed; for though it is true that Antichrist has obtained power on earth, to establish his sort of Christianity, that is, without the cross, and a sort of religion whereby they indulge themselves in whatever pleases their carnal hearts, and corrupt minds; yet Antichrist has not all power, he is not Almighty. I hope neither Antichrist, nor the beast, nor the dragon, nor the false prophet, nor the whore, have all power on earth, though they have a great deal, and by that power they have established laws, decrees, canons, and innumerable things about religion; and some cry, this is the way you must walk in; others cry, the way to heaven lies here, and here you must travel if you will go there. Some cry, this is truth; others say it is error. So that the world is divided; Antichrist’s government in the world is divided; and when the house is divided against itself, there is hope that it will fall at last. [The earth is also defiled under its inhabitants, because they have transgressed the laws, changed the ordinance, and broken the everlasting covenant. Isa 24:5.] But there is one, to whom all power in Heaven and Earth is given and committed; and his Christians are not divided among themselves, but they are of one heart, and of one mind; and he who has all power in Heaven and Earth committed to him, can crush and bruise that power that others have. Herod had some, and Pilate had some; but Christ said, your power is limited, this is your hour and the power of darkness; and you would not have power, said Christ to Pilate, were it not given to your from above. Here is power given to the dragon, to the false prophet, and the beast, to speak great things; but this power of Antichrist is going away. Christ Jesus was sent into the world in his day, to bring people back again to God, and to primitive Christianity and obedience, and to the first terms of society and communion, and to a fellowship in Christ Jesus through the Holy Ghost. — with Denise N. Carter, Denise Carter, Cherie Carpenter, Curtis Matthews and Stephoenix Dethridge. Tag PhotoAdd LocationEdit
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:42:24 +0000

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